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"It's Liam."



If someone could watch Zayn right now, someone might said he was shocked, not able to produce a proper word or not even able to blink. How come Liam is calling Zayn from Louis' phone?

"Zayn, are you there?"

Liam's voice sounds worried and that thought alone makes Zayn's heart flatter, because it's beautiful.

"Yes, I—I'm here," Zayn says in a low voice, a faint whisper; he's not sure Liam heard him but he's not sure to be able to repeat the answer.

"Zayn, I—I need to tell you something," Liam sounds nervous and Zayn can't help but feel Liam right there, behind him, whispering in his ear, "I need to—,"

There are some noises on the other side and Zayn yelps in confusion, trying to shout for Liam.

"Give me the phone!" Louis can be heard in the other line and some more noises and a half, he hears someone again, "Hey there buddy," it's Louis.

"Louis!" Zayn can finally speak properly, "Where are you?!"

"Harry's house," and the way Louis says it, it's so casual that Zayn at first just nods, like something regular but then something sinks in, "Harry?"

"Yeah," Louis says again so casual, "The boy I met at the coffee shop? Harry."


Because Zayn can't comprehend how Liam is connected to all this or why Louis is in Harry's house or what's the deal about destiny. Zayn feels so light-headed he might as well faint right there, but something is making him stand straight—maybe the hope of hearing Liam again at least through the phone.

"Right," Louis says, remembering, "Harry is Liam's best friend. Can you believe it?"

"Honestly? No. I can't believe none of this."

"Oh Zaynie," Louis says sighing, like an adult scolding a child, "I told you earlier, didn't I? I told you destiny had a special thing for you."

"Louis," and you see, Zayn is happy and all that, but he really, really wants to see Liam, "where are you? I need to see Liam."

"Ah yeah, right," Louis says, like if he only is noticing the circumstances, "Well, I'll text you the address, okay?"

"Yeah, but Louis—,"

"No! You are not talking with Liam through the phone. Be a man and come here," Louis says all snappy, "Besides, I promise Liam is not going away. We will retain him."

"Thanks mate," Zayn says barely, because he knows Louis is right. He wants to properly speak to Liam. Not by the phone.

By now, Niall was pressed against Zayn trying to hear a thing, and yes, Niall was fangirling all the time so obviously, when Zayn hangs up, Niall is the one to take Zayn by the arm and dragged him outside to Niall's car.

"This is so exciting," Niall says with his hands on the wheel, "I swear to god, I'm about to burst happiness."

Zayn is not even listening, he's lost somewhere in his mind, sitting frozen beside Niall. Somehow, playing with his hands.

"What you got there?" And Zayn is not answering, really, he's into much deep. "Don't worry mate, everything will be fine," Niall says when he sees he's over nervous.  

"What if, it's not the same?" Zayn says barely over his breathe, more to himself than to Niall.

"Well, I guess you don't know until you talk to each other. Besides, I think this is huge. For him to cancel his wedding with Sophia, it had to be something pretty serious, and you are. I mean, not literally—well yes, you're serious and all that but—maybe he really has feelings for you."

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