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“WHAT? Why the hell did you said no to him?” Louis shouts, getting all impatient with Zayn here, both of them in the Tea Room, sitting on their regular spot, “He is your boyfriend Zayn, you know? You should have seen this coming.”

“But I didn’t! I mean—yeah maybe I saw this but, I don’t want to marry him, Ryan is just,” Zayn shrugs, not completing the phrase.

“Oh for fuck sakes, Zayn,” Louis says, giving up and leaning back on his chair.

“But he understood,” Zayn says, almost quietly.

“No, he didn’t understand, he is just giving you more time,” Louis says, this time more calm, “Zayn, when someone proposes, there’s two options; either you say yes and marry, or you say no and break up. You can’t say no and then still be a couple.”

“So he’s going to ask me again sometime?” Zayn asks, feeling ill all of the sudden.

“Yes darling,” Louis says, feeling pity for him, “There’s no reason for him to continue with you if you said no. He’s obviously asking again.”

Zayn nods a few times before he stands up, “I have to think about this Lou,” he says, looking at his friend, “I’ll go and take a walk, yeah?” and before he gets a response from Louis, he’s gone.

Well, surely Zayn has thought before of marrying. Maybe not with Ryan. But Zayn always saw himself marrying and having a family and—well, the typical dream. And if he ever thought about Liam being the person to share that with, well, that’s far beyond from the reality.


What would Zayn do to see him one more time. Zayn just needs to see him one more time—to see if it’s still the same for both of them. Sure, it was only a night and it was years ago, but Zayn feels like a lifetime ago. Like, if that single night was years and years.

Actually, when Ryan came home yesterday and knelt before Zayn, taking out a little blue box, the only thought in Zayn’s mind was Liam. Somehow, he wanted to see Liam there, instead of Ryan. Yeah, maybe that’s cruel. Sue him.

Well, what does Zayn can do now? There’s a terrible feeling in his stomach, like he should definitely do something before it’s too late. And well, Zayn has always thought feelings are way more important over common sense.

He stands on the corner of the street, calling for a cab. He gets on and tell the taxi driver where to go. He gets out of the car when they reach the destination, Zayn pays and thanks the driver. There’s a lot of people, and Zayn’s mind is racing, surely its because of the adrenaline of the moment, of the spontaneous decision. He gets to the nearest counter, not really thinking about it and before he knows it, he’s buying two tickets to London for tonight.

   ❅    ❄    ❅    ❄ 

“I’m back,” Zayn shouts, entering the Tea Room, sitting in the same spot he was before, seeing Louis exiting the back part of the counter of the little local, this time more relaxed and smiling.

“Well? You thought things?” Louis says, sitting in front of his best friend.

“Umm—sort of, yeah. Though, I need your help,” Zayn says, not really looking Louis directly at his eyes.

“Okay…” Louis says, glaring weird at his friend, “What is it?”

Zayn sighs before looking to see Louis and smiling him nervously, “I’m going to London and you’re coming with me.”

“What?! Are you cra—,”

“Please let me finish,” Zayn says, interrupting Louis, “Louis,” Zayn says, sighing before speaking up again, “I really need to see him again, one more time, I need to know if what I felt that night was as deep and magic as I remember, or if it was just the mood or the holidays. I need to find him and talk to him,” Zayn says, sad smile playing on his lips.

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