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A few years passed, the weather changed, the economy kept doing its thing and the world kept moving around the sun. Everything went on, like it was supposed to be. And it’s not like destiny didn’t have anything planned for Liam and Zayn. Destiny was just waiting the right time, the right place. You see, destiny doesn’t play when things like this, things about magic and love and electricity, turn out. Destiny likes to do it its way, all perfect and planned.

And yeah, maybe destiny didn’t have to do all the work. You know, Liam had to look for that book, Love in the time of cholera, in every shop where they sell used books, in every stand on the street that would offer books, in every corner of London that he could think of. And yeah, maybe Liam was about to get married with a girl he wasn’t sure was the one he needed, because let’s be honest, everything is confusing when you’re bisexual but Liam didn’t cared. This lovely girl, Sophia, was beyond beautiful and she was supportive and funny and not to mention she came from a wealthy family and Liam couldn’t ask for more. Okay, he could but he couldn’t complained.

And of course, Zayn had to do his work too, he had to look for the bill, that five pound bill with Liam’s phone and he still remembers the color’s ink in the bill and how Liam looked at that time dubious and maybe Zayn did the biggest mistake of his life, right? Maybe he should have accepted that night, he should have given Liam his number or something but you can’t live your life by ifs so, Zayn had to continue on with his life, now in Bradford, as a teacher, an English teacher in high school with a boyfriend that he was sure was okay and well, life really had to continue.

Anyway, a couple of years later, we are now three days until Liam’s wedding, in a fancy restaurant, with Liam’s family and friends, also with Sophia’s ones and everybody seems happy. And no, of course Liam isn’t thinking of Zayn and his lovely smile and the way his eyes crinkled that night every time Liam said something funny. No, he isn’t thinking of him.

And now, Harry Styles is talking, as the best man, long best friend of Liam, making a great speech about he’s proud to finally be in a wedding, because every time he’s invited to one, something funny happens to him.

“And so, this time my flight won’t be cancelled because the wedding is here and there’s nothing that can come between me and this wedding, especially, cause I’m the best man and my brother, my friend here,” Harry says, pointing at Liam in the other side of the table, smiling, “It’s finally getting married to a beautiful woman and I couldn’t be happier.”

“They say that once in a lifetime someone comes along, whom you’re absolutely meant to be with. Everything feels great, stars are aligned, body and spirit are in balance. For my friend Liam Payne, that person, was me,” Harry says finally, making the whole table laugh at his words, “And I’m telling you, he dated a lot of women before finally coming home one night and telling me, Harry, this is it, I finally found the one,” the whole table coos at the words and it’s time for Harry to raise his glass of champagne, “So let’s cheer for Liam here, and Sophia, for breaking my heart and leaving me homeless!”

The whole table laughs again, this time raising their glasses and shouting Cheers! at Liam and Sophia, sitting next each other in one end of the table, hands together under the table, Sophia glowing, like the perfect girl she is, all beautiful and proud to be finally marrying the guy she fell for, finally being able to start a life together; Liam in the other hand, just raises his glass, soft sad smile playing in his lips, still not sure if this is the right decision, but after all, turning to see his lovely fiancée next to him reassures him that this is it, it’s finally done.

So the evening continues, Harry making silly jokes and everybody laughing, maybe at him, but he still doesn’t care, everybody was having fun. They eat dinner, drink a little more, there’s a few kisses between Liam and Sophia, and even though Liam is not feeling excited and giddy like he’s supposed to, he blames the alcohol for it and let the feeling go, giving himself into the mood Sophia is irradiating tonight.

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