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Louis flutters his eyes open, taking in the amount of light in the bedroom, hearing mumbled sounds in the distance.

Well, where is he? He is not sure what happened last night, except maybe that he’s in London and Zayn brought him here and he then met Harry and—oh right.

He’s in Harry’s bedroom. He remembers now.

After the rehearsal dinner last night, Harry invited Louis to go to a bar so they could continue chatting and well, after several drinks, one thing led to the other and here they are.

Well, Louis remembers how good Harry fucked him last night. And how Harry was telling all the way how perfect and delicious his ass is. And if Louis enjoyed the spanks Harry gave him last night, well, that’s totally normal.

Anyway, Louis is in Harry’s bedroom and there’s coming sound from the kitchen, so Louis gets up, taking Harry’s big shirt to cover himself up, because well, he’s not sure if being naked again is okay.

Which it is, because Harry is naked in the kitchen, with just an apron making toast on eggs and cups of tea for them both.

“Hey,” Louis says, voice tiny, still a bit sleepy.

Harry turns around a bit surprise but then his face softens in 0.2 seconds, smiling so big and wide, “Good morning.”

“What are you doing?” Louis asks, rubbing his eyes with his fists, yawning a bit, and if Harry thinks that’s just so fucking adorable and cute, well, he’s right.

“Just breakfast,” Harry says shrugging, turning around to flip the eggs on the pan, “Thought you be hungry.”

And well, Harry is not sure how Louis is going to take the comment because well, they have known each other for like, not even a day but he’s so enchanted by this tiny boy and he’s just so smitten by him that he will do everything to keep him forever.

And then, Harry is taken by surprise when he feels a couple of tiny arms rounding his torso from behind and his back being nuzzled with Louis’ nose.

“Thanks, Harry,” Louis says, mouth pressed against Harry’s back and well, Louis can’t resist the urge to kiss Harry’s bare back, so he does it.

Harry turns around, not able to urge himself too, “No problem, love.”

And so, Harry leans down to press a soft kick peck on Louis’ lips, because it just feels like a thing to do.

But Louis wants more, so he takes Harry’s neck down, pressing their lips together to devour themselves, not even caring about the eggs or the toast getting burned, because now, after last night, it will be pretty difficult to get them apart.

“Oka that’s,” Harry says, breaking the kiss apart, trying to breathe now properly, “That was nice but we actually have to eat.”

“Oh yeah,” Louis says, biting his bottom lip and looking at the floor, “Sorry.”

“No, please don’t,” Harry says, lifting Louis’ face with a hand under his chin, “We can, umm, continue this later.”

And with a playful smirk, they both continue then to eat their breakfast.

   ❅    ❄    ❅    ❄ 

Liam is sitting on the bed, just on the edge of the side, thinking about life.

He’s in Sophia’s apartment, because yesterday after the rehearsal dinner, Sophia insisted they spent the night together before their important day. And it should make sense to Liam. They are getting married.

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