You Will Never Be Part Of My Life

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"Roses are red. Violets are blue. My day's complete when I'm with you."

I stared at it for a while. Hailey appeared out of nowhere. She grabbed the note and placed it in her purse. She keeps all my junk. Not exactly junk. They're just some papers from admirers that I find annoying.

Hailey got rid of the silence, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Anything in the cafeteria's fine. I can use some extra calories after what happened at detention."

She closed my locker. "Shannon, you need to watch your diet. If you don't, boys won't go for you."

"Let me guess. You read that from the book you were reading a while ago?"

She thought for a while. "How'd you know?"

"Believe me, Hailey. You're always so predictable."

We headed towards the cafeteria. I got served by the lunch lady who's always been so nice to me. I took a seat near the window. I started chewing my fries as my mind wandered off. Hailey sat beside me and did the same. We always wander our minds off whenever we're in the cafeteria. I looked down on my tray and saw how unhealthy I was eating. I smiled. I looked around and saw that new guy named Alexander. He was with some girls in our class. He looked at me and we exchanged glances. Then, I got back to wandering my mind off.


I was left at detention with my mother. The girl beside me walked out of the classroom like a zombie. It's like she was dumbfounded or something. She must've been shocked from what my mother said. Mom patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, dear. You're going to do a great job. Just keep a little distance. This is one of the reasons why you're here, right?"

I promised her I'd help her with her students since I just graduated lastweek. I thought it'd be nice to help her out since her students aren't really respecting her. And I figured that out myself. My first job's to keep an eye on Shannon Blake who has serious issues on my mom.

I got up and waved my mother goodbye. Girls were blocking my way. As it turned out, these girls were waiting for me.

"Hello, Alexander! Where are you going?" asked one girl.

I replied, "I'm headed towards the cafeteria."

The cafeteria? We're headed there, too. We can go with you," said another with light curls.

I looked at their eager faces and let out a sigh. "Sure. It would be nice to know my mother's students."

And so we walked towards the cafeteria. As soon as we entered the room, I found Shannon. I met her eyes and she met mine. I smiled a bit, but she looked away. I sat with the girls I was with a while back. They were talking about how hard it is to cope up with my mother's lectures. Then, they turned to me.

"By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Chelsea," said the girl with light curls.

The other introduced herself. "And I'm Cassie."

I showed a faint smile. I wasn't really interested in them. They were typical girls. I've known lots of them in high school, but none of them really mattered to me.

I turned to Shannon's direction. Something about her is so familiar. It's like I've seen her before. In a way, she's attractive except for her style. It's like the whole world doesn't matter to her. She doesn't want to please anybody.

I saw Shannon and her friend standing up. I excused myself from Chelsea and Cassie and went to do my job. It's like spying on a double agent. I followed both of them. When they were about to enter a room, her friend waved her goodbye. Shannon smiled and went inside. There was a sign: LIBRARY. I went inside and found Shannon standing near the door. It's as if she was waiting for somebody. She looked at me and said, "Why are you following me?"


This guy's totally nuts. He's been following me since I was in the cafeteria. He must be a psychopath or something.

"I don't care who you are. You may be her son, but you will never be part of my life."

He looked down. I walked away and looked from one shelf to another. I found the book I was looking for. I went towards the librarian and asked if I could borrow the book. Alexander was still standing there, dumbfounded.

As soon as the librarian signed the borrower's slip, I went out of the library and headed for my next class which was all about gardening. We talked about plants and the things they can do for humankind.

~Blah, blah, blah ... Yes, sir! Enlighten me!~

I looked around to see my classmates' faces. They were so eager to learn about these plants. I turned around to see if Alexander Johnson was still following me. To my relief, I couldn't find him.

~Thank heavens he's not here. I thought he'd never stop.~

I tried to concentrate on Mr Jameson's lecture, but every time he talks about something, he strays off the topic. He talks about his life with his young wife instead. Someone poked me from behind. It was Grey Till.

"Where's Hailey?" he asked.

Before I forget, Grey has a serious crush on Hailey since the fifth grade.

"Her mother's sick. Hailey needed to go to the hospital and take care of her," I replied.

"Why didn't she tell me?"

I rolled my eyeballs and said, "Does she have to? You're not even her boyfriend."

He was silenced. And I got back to the lecture.

A few minutes later, the bell rang. I held my bag and went outside where I saw Alexander on the bench.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He looked up and replied, "It's none of your business."

Someone behind me called his name.

"Hi, babe!" said this woman with a mini skirt.

"Hey! How was class?" Alexander asked.

~Uh ... Did I hear her say 'babe'? She called him 'babe'?~

I chuckled. Both of them looked at me like I was some sick clown.

I excused myself. "I'm sorry. I better go. I'm feeling a little dizzy."

Then, I walked away.I headed for the parking lot. I saw my dad's car and rushed towards it. The door opened and I saw Sonia. She waved at me.

"Come on, kiddo! It's going to rain soon," she said.

I stopped at my tracks.

"Where's my father?"

She replied, "He won't be fetching you today. He's on duty. "

I let out a sigh. "Just tell him I won't be home tonight. I need to visit someone today."

Her eyebrows met. She tried to be friendly. "Who? I can take you to him or her."

"No thanks, Sonia. I can manage."

Then, I ran off. I took a cab and instructed the driver to go to the cemetery. A few minutes passed and I arrived to my destination. I paid the poor guy and got off. I looked around for a huge tree.

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