The Seven And Eight Year Olds

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Waves crashing against the rocks, young Jonah thought, gave the beach a sense of peace and clarity. It was definitely his favourite place.

"Look at this one!" The boy sprinted towards the girls back on the dry sand. Within Jonah's stubby little hands was a hermit crab he'd caught to scare his little sister.

"Put it way!" Sarah used her best friend as a shield from her evil brother. "Put it back in the sea please!"

"Awe c'mon Sarah it's cute." Arla patted her friends back and reached out her delicate fingers to pet the shell of the frightened crab.

"I know it's cute." Jonah smiled and opened up his hand more so Arla could pick it up in her own.

"Well I don't like it! And I want you to take it away this instant!" Sarah stomped her foot on the ground, sending sand flying in all directions. This action scared the crab into scratching Arla's hand and jumping off.

"Ow!" The lighter skinned girl's bottom lip began to tremble as she held her small hand to her chest. "I-It scratched me! It scratched me!"

"I'll get momma, MOMMA!" Sarah ran off towards her and Jonah's mom on the other side of the foredunes.

"Let me see it." Jonah reached out and took Arla's hand examining the tiny cut and she hissed when he ran his thumb over the wound. "I read somewhere salt water helps heal things fast, come with me Arla!"

The two children ran hand in hand down to the beach and into the cold water. As soon as they were wet up to their waists Jonah forced Arla's hand under water. She pulled back and cried.

"Why would you do that!" The girl squealed and Jonah rubbed the back of his neck.

"I-I'm sorry it's supposed to make it better?" He tried to reason with her and she simply huffed, folding her thin arms across her chest.

"Well it hurt me Jonah!" Arla had actually forgotten about her cut as it did no longer hurt, but she wanted Jonah to feel hurt like she just had.

She didn't understand though, that emotional and physical pain were two different things.

"I didn't mean to hurt you! I promise!" Jonah ran to the girl and hugged her. When he pulled back he was to young to notice the blush on her cheeks, and Arla was to young to know why it was there.

"Cross your heart?" She giggled crossing her heart and then held her pinky out for Jonah to shake.

"Cross my heart, hope to die." Jonah interlocked their pinkies but the moment was ruined when Sarah came running down the sand into the shallow water with them.

"Momma said it's time to come back now Jonah." Sarah then turned to her best friend. "Auntie Leisa wants you home now too."

"Okay. Race ya!" Jonah yelled and his sister cried 'Unfair' while Arla just laughed because she was dragged away with Jonah as their pinkies were still interlocked.


507 Word Count

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now