The Walk Without His Girls

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Jonah was there.

At the lake.

At that lake.

The lake where he, Sarah and Arla used to visit every single weekend. 

And boy was it fucking with his head.

He was currently walking along the same shore he used to with Arla and Sarah - until this year. His 'friends' had decided that they wanted to skip school and go for an adventure. Jonah did not want to go with them. Going for a bush walk with Corbyn, Jack, Aspen, Atallia, and Daniel was the last thing on his mind. Speaking of Daniel, the blue eyed brunette had noticed Jonah's sudden mood change.

As in, Jonah hadn't been much of a jerk at school as of late. He wasn't that big on bullying anymore. And when ever the group tried to tease his sister and Arla, Jonah would lose his shit. Daniel couldn't figure out why.

"Look at me!" Hollered Jack from up in a tree a little while after they all turned away from the sand and into the woods. Aspen, Corbyn and Atallia laughed while Daniel started scratching the back of his neck.

"Just be careful Jack, y-yeah?"He called up to his friend who shook his head and laughed at him from a few branches up.

"Don't be a pussy D." Aspen snorted as her boyfriend (for now) jumped down next to her.

"Let's all just relax, yeah? Come on losers!" Jack spoke with an accent as he led the whole group up winding tracks and nature walks.

Jonah was falling behind them all though. The eldest boy was too busy trying to keep his eyes open rather than focus on following his jerk of a 'best friend'. Whenever Jonah closed his tired eyes, he saw them. He saw his girls and he would feel pain close to the feeling of betrayal! Betrayal because he was in the woods without Sarah and Arla.

When it was the three of them together that made the very paths that all his friends were taking for granted and stomping along.

"JOJO!" Atallia squeaked as she fell behind to walk next to her on and off boyfriend. In a way, the two's relationship wasn't that different from Jack and Aspen's own awful relationship, and it bugged the elder sister everyday. "Whatcha thinking 'bout?"

"Nothing. Go hang with Aspen and shit." Daniel could here everything as he was standing at the very back of the group. Sometimes, he felt like if he disappeared, the others wouldn't notice until he showed up on the news.

But he also felt like right now wasn't a great time for Atallia to be near Jonah.
"Atallia. Come on man, hang with your sister." The girl just flipped him off for interrupting her chatting with Jonah and she continued to bug her boyfriend. "Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you, bitch."

"Oh fuck off Daniel! Anyways babe so I was thinking that cause my parents are out of town this weekend that maybe..."

'I hate you.'

Jonah almost came to a complete halt. 

'How could you let this happen! You're a monster...'

He swore he could've heard Arla's voice. 

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now