The Way Arla Needed Him

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The car ride home held no tension.

But no spoken words.

Arla's hand was loosely laced with Daniels on top of the centre console.

But no spoken words.

Daniel would let go to turn the wheel, then place it back.

But no spoken words.

Until they pulled up in front of Arla's small house the car had been dead silent. You could've heard a pin drop.


"I'm sorry."

"No, I am."

"Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong."

"Well then why are you sorry?"

"Because I've done everything wrong!" Daniel turned to face the small girl and tightened his grip on her. "I..."

Arla sighed and placed her hand on his cheek. He lent into it and took in a deep breath. "It's okay."

"I did nothing Arla. Nothing. Nothing to stop the things they said. Nothing to stop the actions the took against you all. Nothing to prevent the hurt they caused. I did nothing to help you." Daniel wiped off a stray tear with his free hand and Arla looked him dead in the eye.

"And in doing nothing, you did help. Yes you didn't stop them, but you didn't help them. You didn't go along with them. Didn't plan with them. Didn't talk shit with them. You did nothing wrong while they did everything wrong. Daniel you are so easily forgiven by me. I promise."

Daniel smiled a little and placed a quick kiss on the palm of her hand before pulling his head away. Arla watched as a frown took over his handsome face. "What's wrong?"

"You know that everyday he regrets his decision? I don't think I've ever seen him cry so much-"

"Daniel please don't-"

"He was on his knees the other day, begging god for a chance to get the two of you back-"

"Please stop-" Arla cried and wiped her face tiredly.

"You were his best friends!"

"And he left us!" She yelled at him and clicked off her seatbelt, storming out of the car. Daniel did the same and chased after the upset girl. Once he caught up to her he grabbed her arm and turned her around. But before he could speak she began to slap her hands against his chest in an attempt to drive him away. "He left us! He left me! He left Sarah! He left us alone and scared and with no one and you didn't- and I just- why didn't you- why didn't he- why-"

"Shhh..." Daniel pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her tightly. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head for 5 minutes, just standing there and listening to her cry. Arla didn't know what to think. Her mind was telling her to push him away, go inside, and lock out everyone until the day she died.

But her heart.

Her heart yearned for Daniel and Jonah. She missed Sarah and Zach. She even missed the banter she shared with Jack and the deep conversations about nothing with Corbyn over the phone at 2 am.

"I'm sorry."

"I know. You love him but he fucked up so bad. You know that you should never let him into your life again, but you also know that that is the stupidest thing you could possibly do. You're both messed up and there is no one better for you either of you." Daniel stepped back and wiped Arla's cheeks. He bent down and slowly inched his face closer and closer to hers. Arla sucked in a breath and fluttered her eyes closed. "I'm not going to kiss you. I'm not that cruel to fuck with you like that, because you'll never feel the same way about me that I feel about you."

And with that Daniel hugged her tightly goodbye, inhaled slowly and walked back down the porch steps towards his car. When he sat down in the seat he made eye contact with Arla and waved goodbye sadly, but also felt relief. Because he knew that she was now back in his life and he couldn't be more excited about that. Arla sniffled and smiled small as she watched Daniel drive off before she unlocked her door and stepped inside, taking a deep breath.

But no tears came.

She was all cried out.

Her posture changed and for the most part Arla relaxed. The black haired beauty made her way down the hall slowly running her finger along the white paint on the wall. Once she stood at the door of her room Arla walked in and sat down on her bed. Sitting turned into lying and lying turned into eye closing and two minutes later Arla was out like a light.

She was so out of it that she didn't hear the front door open and close. Or the footsteps trek down the hall and into her room. Arla sighed in her sleep and turned over rubbing her eyes, she  sat up quickly when they opened just a tiny bit and she saw who was standing in her room.



The air in the room became thick and neither teenager knew what to do really. "So w-what are you doing here?"

"Oh I um wanted to make sure that Daniel dropped you home safely." They coughed and shifted on their feet.

"What's the real reason you're here Jack?" Arla crossed her arms and took in a sharp breath. Jack sighed and walked closer to the girl, he sat on her floor and ran both hands through his hair.

"Because I'm falling in love with Sarah again and I need your help to get her to hate me."



949 Word Count

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