The Sister He Needed

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Arla is visiting her father before she starts year nine and the siblings are at the beach.

It was almost tradition now for Jonah and Sarah to come to the beach at the start and end of the year. This time felt different though because Arla was usually with them. A fact Jonah made a comment on.

"Oh c'mon J, get over it. There's nothing we can do and I swear if you drive to Florida to go get her I'll kill you because you only just passed your permit." Sarah scolded her brother about his moping and the boy just laughed at her.

"Alright, alright." He said, slowly swishing his feet around the rock pool as he walked, Sarah not to far behind him.

"Kids! Sit down on that rock and smile." They're mother Eliza instructed and the teens obeyed, turning around and sitting down on the nearby rock. After she took the photo of her beautiful children she sighed in contentment. "That's going in the album. Alright well I'll be at our usual spot with Leisa so try not drown, it's a far walk."

"Bye mama." Sarah waved her mom off and begin to poke at the water, watching as the water created little ripples each time. "Hey J?"

"Yeah?" Jonah answered and looked back out at the sea, his favourite place in the whole world.

"Do you like Arla?" As soon as the thought left her lips Jonah looked at her like she was mad.

"Are you insane? That would be like" The brunette was at a loss for words as he tried to think of an answer. "Um like liking a uh..."

"YOU DO!" Sarah squealed as she hugged her brother.

"Ew Sazzah got off of me!" Jonah pushed the girl off of him and she giggled, landing in the rock pool with a splash. "It's nothing big okay? She doesn't even like me back."

"But J trust me she doe-"

"Daniel likes her anyway." Jonah cut off his sisters important message and gazed down at his legs, picking at whatever scabs he could. "He's got a better chance."

Sarah had never seen her brother so legitimately disappointed and it broke her heart. Even if she was the younger sibling she was still protective over him.

"Daniel," She began and caught Jonah's attention. "Has no chance compared to you. Words Arla has said herself."

"She's never said that-"

"Did you know that she turned him down? Hmm? Daniel asked her to be his date to the year 10 formal and she said no." Sarah lifted her arm up from the water around her and brushed some hair behind her ear.

"Why would she do that?" Jonah leaned forward, eager to hear the response.

"Because she wanted - she just didn't think he was right for her." Sarah decided to keep her best friend's secret and answered dishonestly.

"I don't want to loose her Sazzah, or you. Can you please promise me that even though I'm in grade ten and you two are in grade nine, that you won't ditch me?" Jonah had hopefulness clouding his eyes that could've been seen from miles away. Sarah stuck her pinky out and linked it with her big brothers.

"I promise, you dork." This made Jonah smile and he kicked his foot, splashing the girl sitting in the water. This began a splashing war, until Jonah took a risk and pushed Sarah's whole body underwater. She came up for air, gasping. "Don't do that you rotten boy!"

"Sorry." He apologised and went back to his previous state of worry. "But what if she ends up with Daniel anyway? He's a great guy! She'd never pick me over him - and if she did ever like me I don't have the balls to ask her out. But I don't want any other douchebag to get with her and I'm just scared that-"

"J." Sarah held out her hand and Jonah's rambling stopped. His eyes looked over his baby sisters beautiful smile and down to what she was holding.

In her delicate hands, was a little hermit crab. Looking like the exact same one she had been scared of seven years ago. Jonah's heart felt warm as he smiled back at his sister, this gesture meaning more to him than anyone could know.

If Sarah was okay and could get over her fear of this little crab.

Then Jonah would be okay too.

Everything would be okay too.


750 Word Count

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now