The Treehouse with Sarah

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"Guys stop!" Jonah yelled at his sister as she tugged the tree house's rope ladder up just out of reach.

"Girls. Only." Arla stuck her tongue out at the brunette boy and his blonde friend on the ground.

The girls had just kicked Jonah and his best friend Corbyn out of the tree house so they could have some bonding time.

"Sarah!" Corbyn cried out and the two in the tree giggled.

"Sarah isn't here right now!" Sarah called back down and tried to muffle her laughter.

"Please leave a message after the beep." And with that Arla closed the old wooden door and ran over to the white table, giggling with her best friend about their immaturity. "Boys are stupid."

"Yeah I can't believe they fell for 'Mom baked you two cookies'." After the girls finished their laughing fit they talked about anything and everything for about ten minutes.

Then they decided to talk about what happened between Jonah and Arla on the excursion.

"So tell me everything!" Sarah squealed and held her best friends hand as she jumped up and down. Arla blushed - still to young to understand why she felt warm whenever she thought about Jonah - and looked down.

"W-Well he got us lost firstly and then he got us unlost and theeeeen..." Arla paused and left Sarah in suspense.

"What? What! Tell me!" Sarah was leaning on the edge of her seat in anticipation as she awaited the next words to leave her best friends lips.

"He held my hand." Arla blocked her ears as Sarah screamed in delight.

"What's wrong!" Jonah called from outside as he looked worriedly at his best friend. Corbyn shrugged his shoulders and looked upwards also to see if something was wrong. A few intense minutes later Sarah poked her head out of the door and yelled at her brother.

"Nothing! YOU'RE JUST A SMOOTH CRIMINAL!" Then she slammed the door making the wooden house rock a tiny bit.

Jonah sighed and gave up with his girls, heading back inside to call his friend Daniel and his new neighbour Jack to come play Mario Cart with him and Corbyn.

"Oh Arls." Sarah sighed and fell back against one of the mini old bean bags in the corner of the room. "Imagine you married Jonah-"

"Sarah!" Arla chucked a pencil at the girl in the corner from where she sat colouring in a book.

"No I'm being serious!" Sarah sat up. "If you married Jonah, that would make us sister in laws!"

"What does that mean though?" Arla swung around in her chair and faced her brunette friend.

"We would basically be sisters!" Sarah ran over to her and the two giggled and hugged, but were later interrupted by screams and groans from the living room - which could be seen from the window of the treehouse.

The girls crawled over to the edge of the little house and peeked out the window to see the four boys playing with little white controllers.

"Hey Sarah?" The younger of the two asked, her voice laced with hesitation.

"Yeah?" Sarah answered still staring at her bothers friends.

"Would you ever marry Jack?" As soon as it was asked Sarah went very red and felt very hot. "I mean, I see you stare at him all the time and you always play chase with him and-"

"N-No! Never! He just picks on me all the time and pulls my hair or takes my pens!" Sarah tried to defend herself and was glad when Arla just nodded and dropped the subject.

After a while when it started to grow a bit darker, Arla insisted that they go inside - as she was still a bit iffy about being outside in the dark.

As soon as they walked back into the house through the back door they greeted all the boys.

As per usual Jonah said 'Hi', Corbyn smiled and waved, Jack teased Sarah and Daniel pulled Arla over next to him.

Jonah always got this strange feeling within him when ever he saw Arla and Daniel next to each other.

He didn't know why but he had a feeling he knew what it was.

So at the age of only 14,

Jonah began the first stages of jealousy.


715 Word Count

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now