The Day Arla Sang For Him

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She watched from afar. The top of her navy blue school shirt drenched. The make up Sarah had spent so long on this morning, flawed and staining her face. Her heartbreak to painful for her to handle. To painful for her to go and confront the boy.

Jonah had had his first kiss.

And it had not been with Arla.

Arla watched as Jonah kissed Casey Ländler. A sweet, blonde, petite girl from her fifth period PE class. That just made it even harder to hate her.

All her life Jonah had made it out that eventually he was going to ask her out. Sarah could tell you right now in fine detail, the happiness on her best friends face when she told her that Jonah had a crush on her. 

Arla had been so happy - so excited - when she found out that she had a chance with Jonah. Yeah, when she had a chance. 

Jonah looked away from the younger girl who was smiling at him with luscious pink lips and over to his left, only to be met with the cold hearted eyes of Arla Middleton. She scowled at him but it wasn't her anger that frightened him, it was the seemingly endless amount of tears that streamed from her beautiful brown eyes. Arla has never really cried, the last time she did was when she fell out of Jonah's tree house and broke her arm some 5 or 6 years ago.

Jonah knew he messed up, he doesn't even know why he kissed Casey. That was a huge lie. He knew exactly why he was kissing Casey. He had grabbed the girls arm, pulled her out of the bi-annual ceremony, and given her her first kiss behind the office building, so that she could be his distraction...from Arla. He had hoped that since the blonde girl looked completely different from his, that she would be the perfect distraction from Arla's entrancing ways.

Before she knew it, Arla was walking back into the main hall and then running to find Sarah. Her tears were clouding her vision and her mind. 

Why would he choose Casey over her? Was she prettier than her? Was she better at sport than her? Was she nicer than her? Had a better body than her? What did she have that Arla didn't?

"We will now have open mic for, the grade nine students. If you have a talent that you'd like to show the school and your parents but were to late for sign ups, then now is your time." Mrs. Ashton spoke in an excited voice from the centre of the stage, her long black dress questionable attire for a principle to some parents in the crowd. 

Sarah was in Arla's line of sight but as soon as she heard the sweet voice of her principle and councillor she stopped moving completely. She wasn't going to run to Sarah like she always did. She wasn't going to run away from her problem. 

Jonah had been following the black haired girl since he saw her break down outside the main hall so he too ceased his walking when she did. Swiping away at the tears on her soft cheeks with the palms of her hands, she turned and began to run to the stage. 

"Hey A stop." Jonah wrapped his arms around Arla's waist and pulled her to him. "What are you doing?"

Never had Arla Middleton pushed Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich away so quickly in her life.

"Don't touch me Jonah. J-Just don't." Arla made eye contact with the brunette boy but looked down at the floor just as quickly. Then she shimmied out of his grip and kept making her way towards the stage. 

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now