The Day He Left Them

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"First day of year ten, we're big girlies now!" Arla smiled and pushed her best friend into some lockers as they walked by them. The brunette returned the action, sending both teenagers into a fit of giggles.

"Okay let's just go find my idiot of a brother and get my lunch money from him." Sarah sighed and interlocked her hands with her best friend. The past holiday had been a bit difficult and testing for both Arla and Sarah (especially with Jack and Aspen announcing they were official on literally every social media platform known to man).

But Jonah was always there to cheer up his girls. He would take them out driving or for a late night Taco Bell run - whatever they needed from him in that moment. All this only made Arla's feelings for the older boy grow into something definitely bigger than some silly school girl crush.

However, two weeks before school started Jonah started to act a bit strange. He stopped responding to their texts requesting midnight food and barley acknowledged the girls if they were ever sitting amongst the other boys when they all hung out. Arla was beginning to worry that Jonah was drifting away, slowly but surely eventually leaving the two girls alone for good.

But he wouldn't do that to his girls, right?

"Look there he is!" Arla dragged Sarah up to the grade 11 line of lockers and strolled right up to the tall brunette. "Hey Jojo."



Well not complete silence, Jonah kept right on talking to Jack, so thinking Jonah must have not heard Arla over the volume of his own chatter, Sarah tapped her brother's shoulder and waited for him to turn around.

Once he did and saw that it was just the two younger girls standing there, he rolled his eyes and went back to talking with his friends at his locker.

"Huh?" Arla stared at Jonah's back in shock. Sarah mirroring her expression. Daniel finally saw them and waved but quickly hung his head low when Jack sent him a glare, doing the same to Corbyn who also greeted the girls standing with them.

"Hey miss Frantwitch." Jack teased Sarah like usual and she tried to remain calm and not blow up like she normally does whenever her and Jack are in the same vicinity. Adjusting her bag strap she stared at the curly headed boy and smiled sickly sweet.

"It's Frantzich darlin, you know this. Jerk." Jonah finally looked at his sister when he heard her speak but he surprised almost everyone with his next words.

"Don't be a bitch Sarah."

"Uh, excuse me?" She sassed and Arla kicked her feet awkwardly. She hated when Sarah got upset and fought because even though she acted tough, words and names got to her real easy. Jonah knew this yet he called her a bitch anyway, and that hurt Arla as well.

Corbyn and Daniel stayed away, just watching the siblings yell at each other - as the boys were both too afraid of Jack to step in and resolve this meaningless fight. But it didn't stop Corbyn from frowning at Jonah anyway.

"Sarah just let it go." Arla whispered and grabbed Sarah's hand as she pushed Jonah away from her best friend, the action literally breaking her heart as it was something she never thought she'd have to do. "Jonah say sorry."

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now