The Picture Of Her That He Sent Out

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*Chapter Warning: blurred explicit content in picture *

As soon as her best friend had finished telling her what she had done last night, Sarah couldn't help herself as she began to scold Arla. "How could you have been so stupid A?! Do you know what this could do?"

"I-I just wanted to feel-"

"What? You wanted to feel what A! Loved?" Arla sorrowfully dropped her head as she nodded. "It's Bradley fucking Pierce Arla, he is incapable of love."

"I know! Don't you think that out of anyone in this entire situation, I know that I messed up!"

"Fucked Arla, you're fucked." Sarah sighed and flopped onto her best friend's bed. Arla wiped her face and went to lie down as well before the door burst open.


"A-Arla," The boy paused and refused to look his best friend in the eye. "Did you send out a nude?"

Sarah shot up at lightening speed and both girls' jaws dropped.

"How did you kn-know?" Arla asked quietly as she practically begged for any other answer than the one she had thought up in her head. Zach awkwardly looked down as he stretched out his arm and handed Sarah his phone. As soon as she snatched it off of him she gasped and her hand went right over her mouth.

"Arla..." Sarah slowly turned over Zach's phone.

Unknown No.:
Still can't believe I got this from little pure Arla Middleton 😍😂👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

:Still can't believe I got this from little pure Arla Middleton 😍😂👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

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Arla's eyes began to water as she stared down the phone in her hands. She barely even registered the beep of Sarah's own phone and the look of pure distraught as she had received the exact same text. All had shut off in her best friend's world and it was silent in the girls room. No one knew what to do as the cogs stopped turning in Arla's head.

'Promise you wont send it to anyone?'

'Girl come on. I promise - I swear on my life even.' Blake laughed.

Sarah noticed the black haired girl's breathing quicken.

Arla chewed her lip nervously as she put the phone call on speaker and began to undress herself. 'So I was thinking that maybe w-we could go on a date sometime?'

My Sisters Best Friend • Jonah Marais AU •Where stories live. Discover now