Being Forgotten or Excluded

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This hurts.

I'm usually okay if I see friends hanging out together, but sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not worth anything.

I'm not saying who, but I'll tell you a summarized story. This happened the day of the solar eclipse, a day when I was planning on doing things with friends for my birthday.
One of my friends couldn't come along. She was with her mom in a different state, and she had decided 'hey, let's go to a different friend's house and ditch Gabby for a second time, even though this is birthday shit she's been planning for a long time!'
It hurt.
I felt like nothing to her. Hell, maybe I am nothing to her. I don't know.

That seems like being forgotten, right?
I'm just another whiny white girl complaining about her friends now.


I'm scared of being forgotten and excluded.

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