Clowns and Mimes

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These guys are one in the same for me, so I'll put them in the same chapter.

It's nothing about how clowns or mimes act. In fact, I love the acts that mimes put on, and clowns can be pretty entertaining.

It's what's under the makeup and the costume. It's the person putting on the act.

To be a clown or a mime, you need to be a decent actor. You also won't have your face identified due to the makeup. You could pull off a murder.
My mind goes to weird places, I know. But I can't help but think that the clown or mime I see preforming in front of me could murder me in any second.

It's weird, isn't it?
I don't know why I think clowns and mimes could be good murderers, but I do, and it's terrifying.

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