My Undead Brother

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Haley's P.O.V

I sat there shock, starring up, at my "supposedly" dead brother. He look the same, tall, slender, short black hair, piercing blue eyes, and overly handsome. But there was something different about him, something I couldn't quite figure out.  

"Yo-your alive" I stammered.  

My brother flashed me a smile, showing off his pearly whites, that I had to squint to see, cause they shine so brightly. Even in vampire form my brother got me beat. Yay me.    

"Yes, little sis, I am alive in some ways."  

I rolled my eyes when I heard the "little" part in his answer. Yup, if I had any doubt,  that he was my brother, all that doubt was cleared right away, cause he was still an, arrogant, pompous, little smart ass, as every, just with fangs.  

I stood up off the floor, now face to face with Nate. Tillie ran to Alicia side and kneeled down beside her.

"What did you do to her?" she asked angrily.

I never saw Tillie mad before, and after the look I saw her giving Nate, I don't ever want to see it again. Her head was bowed low, her blond hair was covering most of her features, all you can see was her eyes and they were in slits starring daggers at Nate. The room was getting ice cold and the lights started flickering. Tillie was breathing heavily, in and out, fuming with rage.

Nate stood there all calm, like nothing was happening, he even had a sly smile on his smug face. Natalya walked up to Tillie and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Calm down Tillie, he isn't worth it. Let's get Alicia to the med room, before she loses any more blood." 

I watched as Tillie took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, calming herself down. The room was turning back to normal, with the temperature back to neutral, and the lights stop flickering. Tillie gently pickup Alicia and stood up, before leaving she turned to Nate.

"This is FAR from over" she hissed at him.  

Nate smiled and leaned close to her, he whispered something so low, that only she could hear. But whatever he said made Tillie snap her teeth at him, almost biting him in the adams apple. Nate recoiled back, and Tille walked out the room with a satisfied grin on her face.  

"Do I even need to ask, what is all that about?" I asked raising my eyebrows.  

Nate turned to me smiling, he opened his arms like he was getting ready to hug me, when Natalya stepped in front of me.  

"Your kind isn't welcome here" she said threatenly.  

Nate put his arms down slowly and starting laughing, shaking his head.

  "My kind, huh? Now Natalya, what is MY kind exactly? Cause your friend Alicia tried telling me, and let's just say, I got a little impatient." he put emphasis on the t.  

I stood behind Natalya, not knowing what to do or say. Everything was going so fast, my brother was dead, now his alive, and apparently he wasn't like amongst the Ortaga Clan. Which is understanadable, I mean he almost killed Alicia.

But why did he attack her?

And how did he know I was here?

Is he evil?

Can I trust him?

I mean he is my brother. Isn't he?

I felt so conflicted. I just stood there lost in my thoughts while Nate and Natalya argue back in forth.  I didn't even notice Tavern walking in, until Natalya grab my arm and pulled me from my thoughts. She said something to Tavern, before dragging me out the dining hall.  

I opened my mouth, then closed it, as I watched the double doors close, with my brother on the other side, he was looking at me so intensively, mouthing something to me. I blinked in confusion.  

Natalya  was pulling me down the hallway, my body was limp so she had full control over me. So when she turned the corner, in lightening speed, my face slam against the edge of the wall, knocking me out on the floor. With my eyes close I kept replaying what Nate was trying to say to me.  

"Open my light?" Uh no, that couldn't be it. He said more then three words.  


I laid there trying my hardest to think, while  Natalya stood over me, shaking me by my shoulders. All of sudden it hit me, Nate was saying, "Meet him at home."  

I snapped my eyes open and looked up at Natalya

"I need to go home."


Natalya's P.O.V  

I stepped in front of Haley, before Nate could get his claws around her. He was going to far, just being here, he was breaking the Clan law. I hissed at him and lowered my voice, trying to show him I mean business.

"Your kind, doesn't belong here"  

"My kind,huh? Now Natalya, what is MY kind exactly? Cause your friend Alicia tried telling me, and let's just say, I got a little impatient."  

Just the sound of his voice made me want to tear him into pieces, but I had to keep my cool in front of Haley.  

"Stop with the bull shit and just leave, while you still can."  

Nate smiled and took a step towards me "Not without my sister." he said calmly.

I threw my arms out, blocking him from Haley. I looked behind me, to check on her and she was just standing there with a blank face expression. I sighed, her brain was probably going over board right now. I turn back to Nate glaring at him.  

"You can't have her, and if you put one finger on her, I will murder you."

Nate start clapping his hands, applauding me. " Spoken like a true leader."

I looked at him confuse, "What?"  

Nate smiled smugly, "Oh, Taveren didn't tell you?"  

I open my mouth to respond, when the double doors swung open, with Tavern storming in. He walked up to me,  

"Get Haley out of here" he ordered.

I glanced over at Nate, who was still smiling smugly at me. I nodded my head at Tavern. 

"We need to talk later." I whispered to him, before grabbing a hold of Haleys arm and pulling her out of the dining hall.


The Deadly Makeover (Vampire story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin