Who am I

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Natalya got up from the couch, she had tears in her eyes. "What your brother left out, was how the hunters got on our trail," she said with a shaky voice.

Nate rolled his eyes, "Great, here we go."

Natalya pointed her finger at my brother, "Your brother, that bastard standing right there, went on a killing spree that week. Killed over thirty bleeders, because his percious Valdir Clan leader told him so. Setting us up, so the bleeders can be off his scent, for the crime he committed a few weeks back. And this big oaf fell for it!"

Natalya was shaking now, with tears streaming down her face. "Your brother chose his clan over his family."

" It wasn't my fault, the bleeders were attacking me. I couldn't escape!" Nate yelled.

I couldnt believe my ears, my brother and Natalya? What?

"But why are the clans fighting?" I asked, trying to distract them from each other. Sadly it wasn't working.

Natalya turned to me "Because someone told the hunters about our location. Only clan members knew where we were living, or even how to find our home. I believe it was the Valdir clan, naturally they believe it was us."

"So, let me get this straight, you two obviously been alive for a while?"

They both nodded their heads.

I turned to Nate, "Then how is it I watched you grow up?" I asked confused.

Nate shifted uneasily and ran his hand through his hair. He looked at me and sighed, "It's a long story."

"I have time," I stated while walking to the couch and sat down, waiting for him to continue. Natalya joined me.

"Well you see, Nate begun, I'm not really your brother. When you was a toddler, I put those memories in your parents and your head."

"Why?" I asked.

Nate frowned, he glanced over at Natalya, before putting his head down. "The oracle told me too in exchang I get information ."


"The oracle, can tell the furture, it's eyes allows it to get a glimspe of it." Natalya explained.

"Oracles are very tricky to find, because it is not human nor animal, not femal or male. It is simply a being. The only way you can tell it is the oracle is by its eyes, the eyes never change. Usually the oracle  do not give readings to mystical beings. Only to humans because everything comes with a price, helping us isn't worth that price supposedly," Natalya finished.

"Why did she help you? And what information did you want from her" I asked Nate.

Nate shrugged his soulders, "Look I don't know why it helped me, all I know is, I found the oracle asked it for help. It did and for exchanged I had to protect you.

"So I asked a witch to put memories of you and me into a couples mind so you can have a normal up bringing, since you was human, and protection."

"What?!" I  asked, "My parents aren't my parents?"

"No," Nate answered, he looked me straight into my eyes, without blinking.

"Why did you have to protect me?" I asked surprising calm.

"My guess, is because you're unique."

"What do you mean?"

"Well a 'higher' is usually born, not turned."

I turned to Natalya, "I don't understand."

Natalya smiled, "There are seven Highers, when one of them die another is born. You wasn't born but bitten. Also an higher never been rouged before, because usually its purpose is to fill the vacant position and that's that. But since we already have seven, and no one has died, you are technically, up for the grabs."

"Grabs for what?"

"There is a reason clan leaders answers to the 'highers'. A higher is very powerful, the white hair stands for the curse of the moon, werewolf and vampire, the violet eyes represents the magic that flows in your veins, witches and anything magical. Highers restore balance through our world. And every leader, wolf, vampire and witch answers to them."

"Since you aren't claim to the laws of a higher, you are free to choose your own path or clan and whoever has you on their side, well, is very powerful."

I sat there stunned. This was too much information to process. A rogue, highers, oracle, not really my parents?

I looked at both Nate and Natalya "Then who am I?"

Natalya frowned and Nate shrugged.

"What information did you want from her? I asked Nate again.

Nate shook his head, "Its not important."

"I know," Natalya quickly chimed in. She looked over at Nate and her frown deepen, "When our daughter was mudered, we went to a witch to see if she can cast a spell on our daughter's soul, so she can be recarnated. But soon after the spell was casted, a hunter killed her.

"Usually when the witch dies the spells she cast dies with her, unless if the spell found its host. We never could find out if it did or not. So decade after decade, we pose as high school students to see if she's been recarnated. My guess is, that Nate found the Oracle, to get information, if our daughter has been recarnated or not?"

Nate nodded his head.

Natalya sighed, "Well, has she?"

Nate smiled ear to ear "Yes."


The Deadly Makeover (Vampire story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin