Flash back (bonus chapter)

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Natalya's P.O.V
(Not Edited)

Nate intwine his fingers with mine and lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. I smiled as I leaned my head back against my seat. We were on our way home from a dinner party and I couldn't be anymore happy.

I was so anxious to get home so I can wrap my arms around my 5 month old baby girl, Natalie and kiss her pink chubby cheeks until the sun came up.

Nate was driving and was looking very dapper in his evening suit with the moon shining against his smile, as he glanced at me with so much love in his eyes.

"Did you see Ryan dancing?" Nate asked chuckling.

I bust out laughing, as the image of Ryan, jerking his head and legs about to the music, popped in my head. It look like he was having a seizure standing up.

"I felt so sorry for Betty, his dance partner" I laughed.

Nate started to laugh louder, "Why, she was doing the same thing!"

I gasped and playfully nudged Nate's arm. "Hey that's my best friend your talking about."

"I know I know," Nate smiled and lift my hand back up to his lips and kissed it again.
I blushed with happiness.

"You have to admit they would go well together?" I added.

Nate nodded his head, "In a goofy, corky, kind of way."

"Exactly" I agreed.

Pleasant laughter filled the car as Nate and I chatted more about our night. It was a nice cool night, with a slight breeze in the air. I had my window slightly cracked open to let some cool air in.

It was perfect.

Nate made a turn at the stop sign.

And that's when everything went wrong.

Something was blocking the road. Shape like a human, but looming like a monster. I gasped as our car came to abrupt stop and this thing stepped into the light of the moon.

Before I could get a good look at it, it punched through the window shield and grabbed me by my coat and pulled me through it. I felt every tiny shard of glass piercing my skin as it pulled me out of the passenger seat and my bones breaking as it  flung me onto the road like a rag doll.

To me everything was moving in slow motion but in reality it happened lighting fast.  I heard Nate scream out my name in terror. He too was flung onto the road.  The thing was standing over him now, like observing him and Nate was trying to scoot back from it.

"Nate" my voice came out as a whisper.

I rolled on to my belly and used my good arm to try to pull myself towards him. But my attempts was futile, he was to far and I wasn't getting anywhere scooting around like a catapiller. 

The thing grabbed Nate by the throat and held him high in the air.
"No no no no," I whimpered, "Nate!!"

Nate looked at me, his blue eyes looking deep into mine. He mouthed "I love you" before the monster bit into his neck, snapped it and tossed his lifeless body to the ground .

"NAAAAAATE!!!" I screamed so loudly my voice even startled me.

The thing slowly turned towards me, and that's when I finally saw it. It looked like a man but it's teeth was sharp and snarling. It's eyes was black with death and skin pale as snow.

The Deadly Makeover (Vampire story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin