You said I was a what?!

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Haley’s  P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly my vision going in and out. All I could make out was a silhouette of a person standing over me.

“Where am I?” I asked the mystery person. “Your okay, just rest” the unfamiliar voice answered. “That’s not what I asked you” I squinted my eyes trying to get my focus. “Please answer my question. Where am I?”

“You’re at the Ortaga Clan mansion” another person answered, I recognized her voice it was the voice of Natalya. She walked up to me and I felt her hand touch my arm. “You can leave now Tillie, I can take it from here.” The mystery person who I assume was Tillie leaned over to Natalya and whispered something in her ear before leaving the room.

“How are you feeling?” Natalya asked.

I tried to sit up but end up falling back into the pillow. “

Weak” I answered. “

That’s expected. But right now you don’t need your strength or your eye sight.  Right now I need you to rest and just listen to what I have to say. Do you understand?”

“Yes I understand.” I closed my eyes and focus my attention on Natalya. I felt the bed shift as she sat down next to me.

“Do you remember anything from last night?”

I shook my head trying to remember but everything was coming back hazy.

What did happen last night?

Why can’t I remember?

Where am I now?

 And why am I so weak?

My head was swimming with questions. I didn’t like not knowing, it made me feel vulnerable.  Natalya placed her hand on my arm again and gave me a reassuring pat.

“I’m about to explain everything to you, so stop straining yourself” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “What I’m about to tell you, is the truth and nothing but the truth. It’s not a prank or a bad dream. Its reality and this reality you are going to need to keep an open mind. Okay?”

I nodded my head slowly and braced myself for the unsuspected.

“My name is Natalya Portman and I’m a vampire of the Ortaga clan. Last night I bit you at the football field and turned you into a vampire. Right now we are at the clan’s mansion where I and the other clan members live. The reason I bit you was because I sense something in you that I normal don’t sense in other humans, something that I myself don’t fully understand yet.” Natalya paused like she was listening for something; she looked towards the door way just when a girl walked in followed by a man.

They both stood there starring at me, the girl was short and tiny, she seemed to have a lot of energy build up in her cause she was unable to stand still, for she was smiling and bouncing on the heels of her shoes. The man next to her was tall, built and extremely handsome he made Marcus look like chop liver compared to him. He had the most stunning green eyes and they were looking straight at me. I looked away embarrassed.

“Haley this is Tavern the leader of the clan. And next to him is Tillie my best friend.” Natalya introduced them to me. I looked back at them and gave them a half smile, not sure if I was supposed to say anything. I felt like I was in the hot sit and they we’re interrogating me.

“So this is really real?” I asked no one in particular, I still tried to wrap my mind around it all. They all nodded their heads. Tavern stepped up to me his eyes never leaving mine. “But you seem much more than a normal vampire Haley” I looked at him confused. What is this guy talking about? Great, am I a freak like I was in the human world too? Yay me.

“What he means, Natalya spoke up, she gave Tavern a back off look before looking at me. “ That your transformation is the transformation of a ‘Higher’.”

“A Higher?”

Natalya opened her mouth to answer but Tavern beat her to the punch.

“Yes, a ‘Higher’ is a group of seven vampires that we leaders have to answer to.”

“They are like the bosses boss” Tillie peeped in. She smiled a very big grin at me that made me feel oddly uncomfortable. She reminded me of the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. Just plan out spooky.

I looked at Natalya waiting for her to continue. I guess Tavern and Tillie got the hint because they slowly backed away from me. Natalya smiled at me before continuing. “You have the mark of the ‘Highers’” Natalya lean over to me and grabbed a strand of my hair. “Your hair is white.”

 I looked down at the strand of hair in Natalya’s hand and grab a handful of my own and sure enough my hair was white. I didn’t know how to react to this; to be happy or pissed.

I mean come on, what type of makeover is this?!


I looked at myself in the mirror as I got dress. Natalya lend me some of her cloths since the transformation made me skinner then what I was before. Starring at myself was like being in a dream, I only picture me looking this good when I was drifting off in a deep sleep. But now it wasn’t fantasy it was actually reality. The person starring right back at me is real. I touched my cheek.

“Yea I’m real.”

 My hair hung loosely down my back in waves and was the color of platinum. My once pudgy face was slim and showed off my high cheek bones that use to be hidden by fat cheeks.  I also had luscious plump lips that I wouldn’t mind kissing myself with. I smiled revealing straight white teeth.  My eyes were the color of violet, no longer the boring dark brown. Natalya explained to me that my eye color was also a mark of a ‘Higher’. My body which was now skinner still held its nicely portion curves, that I was happy to show off with the outfit Natalya chose for me. I spun around in a quick circle to admire myself. I was wearing a purple halter top with blue jeans.

For shoes I was wearing some black flats, since I wasn’t familiar with wearing heels yet. I didn’t bother putting on any makeup because let’s be honest this face was too good to put any on.

“Are you ready?” I heard Natalya ask me from her bedroom. She was patiently waiting for me so she could give me a tour around the mansion.

Tavern and Tillie left right away so I could have some space after Natalya explained that I was a ‘Higher’ well in the making of one anyway. Tavern kept poking me in the face repeatedly asking Natalya “How did she do it?” I was so annoyed I actually hissed at him. I chuckled to myself thinking about how shock Tavern looked. He obviously hasn’t seen a ‘Higher’ being made before. But hell neither has I.

 I stepped out the bathroom “Yea I’m ready.” I answered Natalya.

 She smiled at me “Are you pleased with the results?”

I nodded my head and blush.

“Well come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the clan. Its dinner time right now so they should be in the dining hall.” She said while walking out of the room. I followed her out; butterflies started forming in my stomach. I was never good at meeting people.

Natalya led me down some stairs in to a series of large, long hallways. She kept whipping around corner after corner. Going left, then right, then left, then right again. It was like a freaking maze.

She finally stopped in a doorway where I could hear people talking and laughing. This was obviously the dinner hall. Natalya looked back at me and smiled. She linked her arm with mine and pulled me in.


The Deadly Makeover (Vampire story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin