Chapter 2: Image

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Finn looked in the mirror as he buttoned his black Armani shirt and wondered tie or no tie. He'd received a nice gray one from Ralph Lauren that would work. Quinn had hooked him up with her personal stylist Sandy, he was a creepy bastard and Finn couldn't help but feel like he was scoping him out every time he tried on clothes, but he seemed to know a lot about fashion. Finn had been in all of the best dressed lists lately and as much as he hated to admit it he kind of felt proud. Gone was the awkward high schooler in the ratty blue and brown sweater.

"What do you think Quinn? Tie or no Tie?"

"Hmm," she said, cocking her head to the side. I'm thinking no tie, but you're going to have to undo your top buttons."

"Good call" he said setting the charcoal hued tie to the side. "Wow, you look really nice" he said catching a look at Quinn in her strapless blue dress.

"Thanks, Sandy picked it out."

"He's gay right?"

"All the best stylists are."

"Hmm, that explains a lot."

"Mr. Hudson" said Tina, Finn's personal assistant.

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me Finn."

"Sorry, Finn" She blushed. "Your Limo driver just quit"

"Mike quit? Why?"

"He got a modeling gig with Calvin Klein, doesn't surprise me, he has great abs," Tina said, blushing even more.

"I knew there was something going on with you two," Finn said giving her a gentle punch to the shoulder

"It was just a fling, but boy can that man—

"Tina, not appropriate work conversation" Quinn cut in. "What are we going to do about a driver?"

"I got that covered," Tina said, "Your usual service was available at such short notice but she's a new driver."

"She?" Puck said, entering the room "First an Asian dude now a chick? Tina it's like you're actively trying to kill us."

"You do realize I'm both Asian and a woman right?" Tina said.

"Yeah, why do you think I've never let you park my Audi?" Puck said.

Tina just rolled her eyes. "Oh, and I booked DJ wheels for the after party," She continued

"How did you swing that one? He's always booked for months," Finn said.

"Well, I'm sort of dating him," Tina said coyly.

"Geez, Tina you really get around" Finn said. "Oh, not to say that you're easy or anything I just meant, um… uh… good for you Tina."

"Thanks" Tina said, barely able to contain her laughter she loved catching GQ's man of the year in his awkward rambles.

"So, you losers ready?" Puck said, putting on his designer sunglasses.

Finn, Puck and Quinn piled into the back of the Limo as Rachel walked around to the front.

"Dude, our new driver's kind of hot," Finn whispered over to Puck careful not to let Rachel or especially Quinn hear.

Puck shrugged, "Yeah, I'd do her"

"Do who?" Quinn said, breaking out her Droid.

"Um, uh Tina," Finn said unsure of why he thought that would be better.

Rachel tried not to listen in on their conversation, it was one of the main rules the limo company went over with her, but she didn't have to try very hard as Puck raised the partition the first second he got.

"Speaking of hot, you know Santana Lopez?" Puck said.

"Yeah, what about her?" Finn said.

"Well, she's been asking about you left and right. And by that I mean her publicist has been asking about you left and right."

"Oh, does she want an audition or something? You know how I feel about models trying to act, no offense Quinn," Finn said.

"None taken," she said, texting away.

"I was thinking more along the lines of a high profile date," Puck said nudging him.

"Isn't she a lesbian? I mean that whole hot tub thing with that Laker girl…"

"Brittany Pierce was just a drunken mistake, or at least that's what the press is going to think once you come into the picture," Puck said.

"No, thanks man, I mean, I'm dating Quinn."

"Actually about that Finn, I think we should break up," Quinn said nonchalantly, not looking up from her texting.

"Wait, what?" He said, clearly shocked.

"Don't get me wrong, I think you're great but we're not exactly the it couple anymore. We only got one page in the last Enquirer and it was about my handbag," she said, finally putting away her Droid.

"But, I thought…"

"Finn, you knew starting out that us dating was just a publicity thing."

"Yeah, at the beginning maybe…"

"Dude, hold that thought, we're here," Puck said.

"Come on Finn," Quinn said, taking his arm. Still in shock, Finn couldn't help but follow her onto the red carpet.

Finn almost faked sick to get out of the after party. He and Quinn hadn't had much of a chance to talk the entire night and he was still confused about their abrupt break-up. He wasn't the smartest guy in the world, but he thought that things between them were going great. He had never fallen so hard for a girl before, and knowing that it was all a lie was too much to take. He took a shot of tequila before approaching Quinn, who was in the middle of chatting with Zachary Quinto.

"Quinn, we need to talk," Finn said, grabbing her arm.

"Finn, can't you see I'm having a conversation?" Quinn said.

"This will just take a second, loved you in Star Trek, live long and prosper," Finn said before taking Quinn off to the side.

"Something wrong Finn?" Quinn said.

"Yeah, what's all this about us breaking up? I mean, I thought you cared about me."

"I do," Quinn said, rubbing his arm affectionately. "But I'm 23. That's 45 in model years, if I want to survive in this industry I need to stay relevant. And you, this is a really important time in your career right now, you're image is key Finn."

"Screw my image Quinn, I want to be with you," He said, pressing his lips to hers.

"Finn stop," She said, pushing him away. "You're drunk."

"I am not, well maybe a little, but I meant every word."

"Finn, trust me, you're going to be so much happier without me."

"As Santana Lopez's beard? Doesn't seem likely."

"Finn, I promise you'll get through this. I was the same way when I broke up with Robert Pattinson, but I got over it and my career skyrocketed."

"You really don't get it do you?" he said shaking his head and turning away.

"Where are you going?" Quinn yelled after him.

"Away!" he answered bolting through the door.

Finn found Rachel leaning against the Limo, flipping through a paperback copy of Les Mis.

"Mr. Hudson, is everything alright?" she said looking up to see him marching towards her in a huff. "Where are your friends?"

"Inside, hey, do you think you can get me out of here?" He said.

"Well, you have me for the rest of the night." She said, opening the door for him. "Um, where did you want to go?"

"Anywhere but here."

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