Chapter 3: Discovery

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Rachel kept glancing at him through her rearview mirror, he didn't even look that sad after his wife died in his arms in Battleground 1. Surprising as it was he didn't seem at all like the cocky ass she'd imagined. He seemed… human.

"Mr. Hudson I don't mean to pry, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to, but did something happen tonight?" Rachel said, Finn didn't respond, he just sat there. "Are you going to close the partition now?"

"No, it's okay. I just have a lot on my mind. It's kind of a weird feeling," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can you answer me a question Rachel? Is it alright if I call you Rachel?"

"Sure," she said.

"Are all women evil or is it just the famous ones?"

"Well I don't know any famous women, but I hope to be one very soon, so I can only hope it doesn't have some sort Jekyll and Hyde effect on me," she said.

"Oh, so you're an actress?"

"I'm a singer," Rachel corrected.

"Oh yeah? That's cool."

"So, have you decided where you want to go?" Rachel said.

"Well, I'm kind of hungry, do you like hot dogs?"

"I don't eat meat. But I'm quite partial to tofu dogs," Rachel said, surprised that he gave a damn about what she liked to eat.

"Well, Pinks has a great tofu dog, or so I've heard."

"I've never eaten there."

"Are you kidding? Did you just move here or something?"

"If you call four years just moving here."

"Are you serious? Well you're in for a treat."

Rachel typed Pink's into the GPS. "Well, it isn't too far from here. I'll have you there in no time."

"Thanks Rachel," he said. Rachel glanced into her rearview mirror again, in spite of the friendly conversation she could tell that Finn was hurting and she wished she knew what to say to make him feel better.

"Mr. Hudson?"


"I hope you know that it's her loss."

"What?" he said.

"Whenever a boy would break my heart my dads would say 'it's his loss.' It always made me feel better."

"Thanks," he said, smiling weakly. "That does make me feel better. Wait, did you just say 'dads.'"

"Yes, I have two gay fathers."

"Wow, that's really LA."

"Actually it's really Lima Ohio."

"Shut up, you're from Lima?"

"Born and raised."

"I'm from Carmel, I'm surprised we never ran into each other," Finn said.

"Maybe we did and you just don't remember," she shrugged.

"Nah, I think I'd remember you," he said, making Rachel blush.

"Well, we're here," she said, pulling up to the crowded hot dog stand. "Did you want me to go get you one? With this crowd it might be a bit overwhelming."

"I'm used to it, besides the line is like a half a mile long, that's torture when you're by yourself. Why don't you park the car? I'll be right back." As he jumped out of the Limo screams of "Oh my god it's Finn Hudson!" could be heard from every person surrounding the stand.

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