chapter 11: Opportunities

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"Rachel Berry, this is Patrick Morgenstern from The Clearwater, we received your demo tape and we'd love for you to sing for us tomorrow, our saturday regular is out with Laryngitis. The gig is from 7 to 11 with two intermissions, we have your song selections prepared and of course you will be paid quite handsomely. Please call us back if you're interested."

"What do you think?" Rachel said pressing end on her cell.

"I think you're being led into an ambush," Kurt said. "You sent them your demo almost a year ago and they're just now calling you back? I think we both know why."

"Yes I'm aware that the only reason they're calling me back is because of limo-gate but I'm desperate. The rent is due in two days and my last paycheck from the service was barely enough to cover my car note, insurance and cell bill. I don't have any other choice."

"They're going to humiliate you Rachel." Mercedes said.

"You sound like Piper Laurie in Carrie," Rachel said. "I know what the risks are but maybe it won't be so bad, The Clearwater is always crawling with people who matter in the music industry. This might be my chance to finally be heard. This could be just the thing that will fix my reputation."

"Just be careful, none of us want to see you get hurt," Mercedes said.

"And none of us want to be homeless either which is the only reason I'm not fighting you more on this," Kurt chimed in.

"Well, here goes," Rachel said dialing the Club.

Finn looked dourly in the mirror, thinking he probably looked pretty good all things considered, but it was difficult to care. Most guys would kill to go out with a gorgeous model like Santana Lopez, but he couldn't help but dread the idea.

"Finn are you okay? You look like you're about to walk the green mile right now," Tina said sympathetically.

"I'm fine. I mean I should be happy right? Santana is really hot," Finn shrugged.

"Finn if you don't want to go out with her I can cancel," Tina said. "You don't have to date her just because the opportunity came up."

"I know, that's not why I'm doing this."

"Then why?"

"I'm doing it to protect Rachel," He said. "The press is still all over her, maybe dating someone else will take some of the heat off."

"Maybe," she shrugged. "But…"

"Hold on a sec'," He said as his phone started to ring. "Hello?" he answered.

"Hey Finn, it's Will."

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Well I have some news," Will answered. "I know considering everything that has happened this isn't the most convenient time, but I finally got a call back from a producer who would like to meet with Rachel."

"You're right this is a really inconvenient time," Finn said. "She hasn't spoken to me since, well, you know."

"Well if she wants it bad enough I think she'd be willing to hear you out. His name is Dakota Stanley, I hear he's tough but he's worked with pretty much everyone who's anyone in music. If your girl wants to make it then he's the one to see."

"Okay I guess I can get Tina to drop her a line, I owe her that much. Besides, It won't be like I'm the one talking to her," Finn said.

"So how are things going with the movie?"

"Pretty great actually, I finished shooting my first scene yesterday, my last one's tomorrow. It was the first time in a while I felt like I actually had to act. I'm really glad I took Rachel's advice."

"You miss her don't you?" Will said.

"Well maybe if this whole thing with Dakota Stanley works out I won't have to miss her," Finn said. "Thanks again for helping me out."

"Anytime," Will said.

Finn had to admit that Santana was a knockout , as she descended the stairs decked in a metallic mini-dress and sky-high heels he actively had to keep his jaw from dropping. But not even the supernatural hotness of his date could keep him from picturing how good Rachel's legs would look in the same dress.

"Just so you know," Santana said as she took a seat in his Mercedes, which had gotten a lot more mileage since Rachel got fired, "The only reason I'm even here is because apparently guys only like to see two girls getting it on with each other if they think they're next in line. Or so my publicist tells me."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that."

"What about you, why are you here?"

"Because my fanbase is made up of guys who project themselves onto me and only want to see me date girls they can't get themselves. Or so my publicist tells me."

"So we have an understanding then," Santana said, extending her hand for him to shake.

"I guess so," he said accepting the handshake. "So my assistant made reservations at The Clearwater, unless you want to go somewhere else," he continued.

"Are you kidding, they have the best 28 dollar burger in town, I haven't eaten anything but celery and coffee for the past two days, I'm getting that burger."

"Alright, The Clearwater it is."

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