Chapter 6: Crush

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It was a fairly standard interview, Finn plugged his upcoming movie and gracefully dodged questions about Quinn, following Puck's advice to let the public and the press jump to their own psycho conclusions about what happened. Not being able to tell the truth may have made him look shady but it was a lot easier than bearing his soul on television.

"Finn, you don't need me anymore today do you, Mike's picking me up for breakfast," Tina said.

"I thought you broke up with Mike," Finn said.

"Well it's still nice to hang out and talk about Asian stuff every once in awhile,"

"What does DJ Wheels have to say about that?" Finn teased.

"Well, we kind of parted ways, we were never officially together anyway. But we're still friends if you need me to book him for you and Rachel's wedding," she said slyly.

"Well that's good to kn— wait what?" Finn said.

"Come on Finn it's so obvious that you have a huge crush on her."

"I do not, why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because you have a huge crush on her," Tina said matter of factly.

"Well, I think she's pretty and I like talking to her and she's super talented but that doesn't mean I have a crush on her."

"Actually it kind of does," Tina said. "Wait, what do you mean talented?"

"Well, the night me and Quinn broke up we… kind of sang together a little bit."

"You sing?" Tina said.

"Not like her. Tina, she's amazing I can't stop thinking about that night and her voice," Finn said almost dreamily.

"Oh my god, you do like her! That's so cute."

"Okay enough of that, I don't like her that way."

"Oh yeah?" Tina said, crossing her arms. "Then why do you look at her like you're picturing her in nothing but that chauffer's hat? And why did you specifically request for her to drive you today? And why did you suddenly change your mind about that movie just because she chewed you out?"

"Well she was kind of right," Finn shrugged.

"Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is she got to you, and she got to you because you like her."

"Okay, so I like her," he admitted. "I don't get what the big deal is, it's not like I'm going to act on it."

"Why, because she's not a supermodel?"

"You know me better than that Tina," Finn said. "It's because she works for me, it would be weird. It would be like you and me dating."

Tina mulled that thought over for a second. "Okay, you have a point, but she doesn't work for you, she works for the service. Just call them and tell them you don't want her to drive you anymore… wait that would be even worse."

"Way worse," Finn agreed, "Look, go to breakfast, I'll be fine. I've gotten over crushes before."

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow," she said opening the green room door to leave.

"You were wrong about one thing," he said.

"What?" She said turning back towards him.

"I was picturing her in nothing but the bowtie."

Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer I promise

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