chapter 18: Comfort

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Hey pretty baby with the high heels on, you give me fever like I never ever known

And something something of loveliness

I like the something of your walk your talk your dress…

…Ooh the way you make me feel (the way you make me feel)

You really turn me on (you really turn me on)

You sweep me— I mean you knock me off of my feet (you knock me off my feet)

My lonely days are gone (my lonely days are gone)

Drunk as ever, Finn danced even more awkwardly than usual and sang along with the radio as he waited for Santana to arrive. He knew a girl like her wouldn't exactly rush over there, so he had time to collect himself a bit, which considering the extent of his drunkenness wouldn't be nearly enough.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, faster than he would have expected.

"Hello?" Finn said confusedly

"Let me in Gigantor."

"Who is that?" Finn said.

"Um, you called me, remember?"

"Oh, Santana." Finn said, opening the door. He was surprised by how fast she had come over and how she looked. Aside from some lip gloss she wasn't wearing any makeup, her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and her usual stylish threads were replaced with a simple tank top, jeans and a Baby Phat hoodie. She still looked gorgeous, just in a different way.

"So, you ready to do this cowboy?" Santana said taking off her hoodie and tossing it on the floor.

"Do what?" Finn said confusedly.

Instead of answering, she threw her arms around Finn and pressed her lips to his. He was unable to react as quickly as he would have liked with all of the alcohol in his system, but with a bit of struggle he was able to gently push her away.

"What the hell is the matter with you Finn? I thought this is what you called me over here for."

"Umm, no," Finn said. "That's just what I told Puck."

"Well, that's just great," Santana said.

"Don't take it the wrong way, I mean you're super hot and everything, I just don't want do sex stuff with you… and I have a feeling that you don't really want to with me either."

"No, I'm fine with it," Santana said, kissing him again.

He pushed her away once more, "No you're not, you're totally a lesbian. You're just trying to get in my pants because you're lonely."

Santana looked down and rubbed her arms nervously. "Okay I think I'm gonna go."

"No, please don't go Santana"

"Why am I even here?"

"Because of this," Finn said, clumsily grabbing the tabloid off of the stool and handing it to her. "Page 23."

Santana flipped through the magazine until she reached the correct page. It was Brittany and DJ wheels, looking awfully cozy at the Victoria's Secret fashion show.

"So what? You think I care about what she does?" Santana said, tossing it back down.

"Of course you do, because you love her, and she left you for DJ Wheels, and I love Rachel and she left me for, well I'm still not sure, I think a bunch of kids."

"I should have known this was about that dwarf," Santana said rolling her eyes.

"It's not just about her. It's about you and me," Finn said. "We're in the exact same boat. We're two lonely, pathetic famous people. Face it, we need each other."

"So what you're saying is you got wasted and invited a smoking hot underwear model over to your apartment at ten o'clock at night so you could… talk?"

"That's what I'm saying," Finn said. "Do you think that makes me a chump?"

"Kinda," she shrugged.

"So, what do you say, did you want to hang out with me tonight, maybe trade evil girlfriend stories?"

Santana just looked at him for a moment. He could tell that she was a second away from breaking down, but when it happened he couldn't help but be a little surprised, he'd never seen Santana Lopez cry before, he wasn't even aware that she had tear ducts. He rubbed her back comfortingly as she collapsed into him, crying bitterly into the front of his shirt.

"You okay?" he said as she pulled away.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said, wiping her eyes. "You got anymore scotch?"

Rachel couldn't sleep at all that night. Mercedes' words had stuck with her more than she was willing to admit, even to her dads who gave her the third degree every chance they got. She'd tried everything, warm milk, a boring movie, rereading Broadway Musicals of the 1940's for the 50th time. Nothing worked. When it had reached 3 am she knew that the lack of sleep was messing with her mind. All she could think about was Finn, she wished that she could see him, just for a second. But of course it was just then that she realized she could see him anytime she wanted. Thank god that one of her dads had a weird thing for Michael Bay movies.

She got up out of bed and shuffled towards her dad's media room. It didn't take long to find Battleground 2, right between Bad Boys and The Island. She slipped it in and made herself comfortable on the couch. It was the first time she ever felt excited about watching Battleground 2, now she knew how Kurt felt.

"If you don't give me the formula I'm going to put three bullets through her skull," Keanu Reeves/Dr. Malcolm Bourguinness said.

"Oh I can give you the formula, but I'm not sure how well it'll work on a dead man." Finn/John Falco said.

"Ha, you're funny, but if I were you I would do Jenna here a favor and stop joking around with her life Falco."

"Don't be a hero John!" Amber Heard/Jenna Ferrier yelled.

"Sorry baby, but that's my job," Finn/John said before throwing the formula into the air, distracting Keanu/Malcolm for just long enough to release Amber/Jenna.

Usually Rachel would be laughing about how embarrassing the dialogue was, but all she could do was cry. She paused the movie on Finn's gorgeous, dirt smeared face and got up from her chair, unable to take anymore.

Finn and Santana sat on his balcony chairs knocking back drinks and wallowing in self pity.

"You know, part of me doesn't really blame her. I was so focused of keeping my secret that I pushed her away, just like everyone else," Santana said.

"Yeah, I guess you kind of blew it there."

"Cock," Santana said, smacking Finn's arm.

"Give me a break, I'm totally inbred right now… that was one of Rachel's words."

"Somehow I doubt that."

"You know what you should do?" Finn said, "You should stand outside Brittany's apartment and hold a boombox over your head. That's what that one guy did in this movie Rachel showed me back at Sam's place."

"Where would I find a boombox in 2017?"

"Ebay?" Finn shrugged.

"You're one to give me advice gigantor, here you are bitching to me about how much you want your girl back and instead of going after her you're getting blasted with me."

Finn knitted his brow at her, "you know what, you're totally right." Finn said, scrambling up out of his chair and falling in the process.

"Where are you going?" Santana said as Finn picked himself up off of the ground.

"First I'm going to call us both a cab, then I'm going to go get my girl back." Finn said leaving Santana alone on the balcony.

"Good for you, cowboy, by the way I'm taking this home with me," she said grabbing the half empty bottle of 12 year old scotch.

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