chapter 13: Safe

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After driving for the better part of an hour, Finn had finally reached their destination. The House looked like something from a horror movie. It was nestled in the middle of nowhere and obscured behind rows of thick trees, the only light present came from a small, round window on the second floor.

"What is this place?" Rachel said, wide eyed.

"A friend of mine lives here," Finn replied, putting the car in park.

"Someone lives here?"

"Yeah, he's like a hermaphrodite or something."

"A hermit, you mean?" Rachel corrected.

"Yeah, he sometimes let's me crash here when I need to get away from the fishbowl for awhile."

"So, you're sure this is okay?"

"Absolutely, he's a really cool guy." Finn climbed out of the car and helped Rachel make her way towards the door, he then knocked a clumsy tune, piquing Rachel's curiosity.

"Is that the theme from the A-team?" Rachel said.

"Yeah, he has a weird thing for pop-culture references."

"What's the pass-word?" a voice said from inside.

"Open the door douchebag!" Finn replied.

"Finnster!" the young blonde gentleman answering the door said.

"Saminator!" Finn answered back, embracing him.

"And who is this foxy lady?" Sam said, scoping her out as they entered the house.

"I'm Rachel. And Oh my god, you're Drake Whipple," Rachel beamed

"Actually I'm Sam Evans. But it's nice to meet someone who appreciated my lone attempt at acting."

"Yeah, me and Sam here were buddies in high school, we came out to LA together to try to make in the movie business, both got casted in Siren Songs and the rest is history," Finn explained

"Really depressing history, I still can't wrap my mind around how you got the movie career even though I'm like a million times better looking," Sam joked.

"Hey, you're the one who decided to leave it all behind to write elf stories in this murdery looking place of yours."

"I told you I'm not reemerging until my second book's finished, my publisher is riding me like crazy," Sam said. "But I'm glad you could come out man, it gets pretty lonely out here."

"You know it makes sense that you're such good friends. You have such palpable screen chemistry, and your love scenes were so passionate and emotiona—

"Thank you Rachel," Finn said nervously, cutting Rachel off.

"Dude it's been like six years, are you ever going to be cool with us fake doing it?" Sam said, playfully mussing Finn's hair.

"Considering you came out to me a month later I don't think so," Finn said gently swatting his hand away.

"Well, it was the first time I ever kissed a guy, how was I supposed to know I'd end up being into it?" Sam Shrugged.

"So you're…" Rachel started.

"As rhythmic gymnastics, yes but it doesn't mean I have no appreciation for a fine woman such as yourself," Sam said kissing her hand.

"Why thank you Sam Evans," she said blushing.

"So, not that I mind but you don't usually bring girls here, what's the deal?" Sam said.

"Well I know you're doing the whole unibomber thing but you still have internet right?"

"Sure but… oh, wait a minute, you're the driver aren't you?" Sam deduced.

"Guilty," Rachel said bashfully.

"That photo really didn't do you justice."

"That's what the emcee from tonight said, before he publicly humiliated me and made me too ashamed to show my face in public."

"Do you think she could stay the night?" Finn said.

"Of course, the extra room's always available, but what about you Finn?"

"Well I can take the couch," Finn said.

"Dude, I don't mind if you want to have sex in there, I'm not a puritan," Sam said.

"Well I don't know about that, but Sam's right, I mean, I don't mind sharing if that's okay with you," Rachel said.

Finn smiled, "Actually I'm kind of relieved. Your couch is lumpier than shit, no offense," he said, slapping Sam on the back.

"None taken."

Finn and Rachel sat together on Sam's guest bed, enjoying the ambience of the room, which like the rest of his house was much warmer and homier than the outside suggested.

"This should do for now," Finn said, holding a makeshift ice pack over Rachel's ankle. "But you have to promise me you'll see a doctor tomorrow," He said.

"I'm fine, it's probably just a sprain," she insisted. "But, it's sweet of you to be so concerned."

"Yeah well, I kind of feel like all of this is my fault."

"Finn, I didn't do anything that I didn't want to do," she said. "And even though you're with Santana now I still want you to know how much knowing you has meant to me," she continued with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Finn knitted his brow in confusion "Rachel, I'm not with Santana."

"What, you're not?"

"No, we went out on one date, and I actually kind of started to feel like a third wheel after the burger came," he said. "To tell you the truth I only went out with her because I thought I was protecting you. I thought if maybe I went out with someone else the press would leave you alone."

Rachel smiled. "I guess I just thought, I mean she's so beautiful."

"Yeah, but she's not like you." Finn said, brushing a stray bit of hair behind Rachel's ear.

"I don't get it Finn, you can have any girl you want," Rachel said looking down.

"Yeah I'm kind of counting on that," Finn said before leaning in slowly to kiss her.

"Finn, I meant what I said you know," Rachel said, stopping Finn in his tracks. "I don't want to be that girl who's rides someone else's coattails to fame. I want to get there on my own merits."

"Rachel I—

"Let me finish," she interrupted. "However, I also don't want to be the girl who misses her chance with someone as kind and wonderful as you are because of her foolish pride."

"So what you're saying is…"

"Let them think what they want," she said, closing the distance between the two of them.

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