The Big Day - Jack Maynard

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It had been a whirlwind of a day, the hair, the makeup, the dress, the ceremony itself. You had spent months and months planning your big day and it was almost over.
After the dinner you all had, a hilarious speech from Jack's best man, Conor, a tear inducing speech from your dad, you had been mingling with all the friends and family that had been invited to celebrate your special day with you.
Dancing, of course, was a major part of the reception. Your father daughter dance was beautiful, your dad stepping on your toes occasionally as he whispered about how beautiful you were and how proud he was of what an amazing young woman you had become, but no matter what, you would still be his tiny baby. Your first dance with Jack had been a time you would remember forever, a beautiful acoustic song playing as you swayed back and forth, the first time you had felt truly alone with him all day. And of course, Conor nabbing you for a dance as Jack danced with your maid of honour, him whispering jokes in your ear to make you laugh, and telling you how glad he was that Jack had found the love of his life.
As the slower music had stopped, the lively music came on, dancing to Beyoncé with your bridesmaids and One Direction with the kids that weren't already sleeping at the late hour.

After finishing a dance with your little cousins, you took a walk around the hotel where you were having the party. Smiling at every guest on the way past them, you made your way to a quiet and uninhabited balcony. After the hectic and busy day, you just needed a little bit of time to yourself, the cool breeze of the late night surrounding your very warm body.
You stood and overlooked the lake that sat beside the hotel, a beautiful water wheel and a wooden canopy with twisted metal benches underneath. In your thoughts about how the day had gone you hadn't heard the glass door to the balcony open, and so you jumped slightly when you felt two warm arms envelop your waist.
"Hi," a very familiar voice whispered in your ear, calming you down.
You turned in his arms, placing your hands on his upper arms and looking up at your new husband. He smiled down at you, a curious and adoring look in his eyes, silently asking if you were alright.
You nodded, leaning up to press a short kiss to his pink lips.
He tightened his grip on your waist when you pulled away, drawing you into his chest. He rocked the two of you back and forth slowly, leaning down to talk lowly in your ear.
"How are you feeling Mrs. Maynard?" he said, and you could feel the smirk he had on his lips.
You smiled at your new name, a feeling of pride at how much you love the new family you were now officially apart of.
"I'm happy, very content. I couldn't have imagined this day going any better." You replied.
"I am so in love with you," he murmurs, squeezing your waist to emphasise the point.
"I'm glad because we just got married, there's no going back now," you joked, feeling his chest shake with a chuckle.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look yet?" he asked, looking down at you.
You smiled at his question, of course he had, when he had seen you at the end of the aisle he had said 'Holy shit', when your father had handed you away he told you how breathtakingly beautiful you were with tears in his eyes, and the many many times since then when he would whisper it to you at the most random times.
"Maybe a couple of million times?" you said, a smirk on your face.
"Well, you are, I'm only telling the truth." He replied, leaning down to your level to connect your lips together. It was the first proper kiss you had had all day, not having time to do anything but quick pecks here and there and not wanting to gross out your family and friends at the altar. The kiss was slow, your lips moving in sync as comforting butterflies erupted in your stomach, more than content that Jack was the person you would be spending the rest of your life with. You pulled back slightly for air, but he was less than satisfied with that, pressing continuous kisses on your lips and then moving to your forehead, your cheeks, your nose. You giggled at this, wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the base it.
You felt him tighten his grip on your waist, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around while your giggles increased. Setting you down, he kissed you again, a passionate kiss that you could tell there was a plethora of love behind. You were however, interrupted by a small cough.
Looking to your left you saw your maid of honour standing, a smirk on her face and a hand on her hip.
"Everyone's wondering where you both went. It's almost time for everyone to leave, so I think you both should head up to your room now?" she said, winking and walking off in the direction of the dwindling party.
You looked up at Jack, untangling yourself from him and intertwining your fingers together with the hand that he had held out to you. You arrived in the large room, the guests making an arched tunnel with their arms from where we were to the stairs/elevator. You both ran through it, hand in hand, to the end. There was standing both your parents and siblings. You went for Jack's family first, hugging his mum and dad, thanking them for all their help in planning the day, you hugged Anna, thanking her for being one of your bridesmaids, squeezing her when she said how glad she was to finally have a sister. Conor was next, more jokes being made to make you laugh. The last people you hugged were your parents, thanking them for the most amazing day, your dad trying to act strong when you knew that the tears that were pooling in his eyes would leak as soon as you left.
"I'm still your little girl." You whispered in his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
You stood back, walking to where Jack was standing next to the lift. It opened and he waved his arm in front of him, allowing me to go first, "After you Mrs. Maynard."
You both stood facing the crowd of people, waving at them.
"Get in there Jack!" you heard Conor shout, a smirk on his face about where the two of you were going now.
The last thing you saw as the lift doors were closing was your dad giving Conor the dirtiest look you had ever seen and his mum hit him on the arm.
You chuckled, glancing up at Jack as you went up to the bridal suite that the hotel had kindly offered you. He wrapped his arms delicately around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"I'm so in love with you."

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