Summer Paradise - ChrisMD

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You drove down the familiar dirt road on your way to camp.
You have been going there since you were young, growing to love the large wooden cabins with the soft ripples of the lake that curved around one side of the camp grounds.
When you became too old to attend the actual camp last year you decided to apply as a camp counsellor, hoping to inspire and help as many campers as your counsellors had over the years.

You parked your car, taking your beat-up suitcase that you had used every summer since you were eleven. Walking up to the large main cabin that had the head counsellors' offices and opened the glass door.
"Y/n!" Diane, the owner of the camp called when she saw you, getting up to give you a long overdue squeeze.
"Sorry I'm a bit late, there was so much traffic, I hope I haven't missed anything important." You said, pulling back from the long hug, looking slightly guilty.
"No its alright Hun, everyone is just getting settled, campers should be arriving in a couple of hours so just get comfy in your cabin. Your other counsellor is already there, you should recognize him, he's just like you. Couldn't get away from us." She said, booping you on your nose, telling you which cabin you were in and sending you on your way.

Camp had always been a bit different from the other ones, the camp was very large, a seemingly never-ending lake and the cabins were larger than some people's own homes. However, the camp was not for 'rich kids' whose parents were lawyers and accountants, not in the slightest.
The owners of the camp, Diane, and Gabriel, had a son who went to a summer camp each year but unfortunately developed tumors in his brain. During the last couple of painful and hard last months of his life he asked his parents to set up their own camp.
News got out and many donations were made by people all around the country, making it into the camp ground they had today.
The cabins each have two bedrooms, one big one filled with bunk beds for the kids and one room with two beds for the two counsellors for each cabin. They had a small living room area and kitchen, two main bathrooms, a girls and a boys one, and one smaller bathroom connected to the counsellors' bedroom.

You walked up the wooden steps and into the house looking cabin. You walked over to the door of your soon to be bedroom for the next two months, walking backwards into it, dragging your suitcase behind you.
"Late on the first day huh? Tut tut, thought you were always perfect at everything princess." You heard the piercingly familiar voice mock you.
Turning your head towards the noise you saw the boy you wanted to see the least this summer.



You and Chris arrived at the camp on the same year. You were a very shy and quiet child, just getting on with everything you were given, not wanting to bother anyone. Chris was always loud, not wanting to participate in any of the activities and always pulling pranks on the other campers, you being his main target. He loved to put itching powder in your things, throw water balloons on your art work so it was ruined and hiding the most important things to you.
Over the summers every year you both had attended camp, you had never properly spoken to him, trying to stay under the radar and far away from his cruel glares and mocking actions.
So now that you had to share not only a cabin but a bedroom with him you weren't sure if you could handle it.

After getting your things on to the remaining empty bed and leaving the cabin as quickly as possible, you went to find who the other counsellors were in the near-by cabins.

Not long after you had finished calling into the other counsellors' cabins, the campers started to arrive in the large green near the front of the camp.
You walked over to the new arrivals, standing beside Diane who had multiple clipboards in her hand.
She passed one to me with our cabin number at the top with a list of eight or so names on it.
"Go find them if they're here, get Chris to help you." she said, turning back to the worried looking parents in front of her.
You walked over to where the rest of your co-workers for the next couple of months who were holding similar clipboards to yours. You all stood in a line as campers were directed over to you.

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