Walked in - Conor Maynard (Smut)

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You and Jack had been friends since secondary school, both of you bonding over your mutual hatred for the particular class that you were in. You had both just clicked with each other, and although your friends and parents said how cute you would be together, it was the other Maynard that you had taken a liking to.
Conor was always about, when you went to do projects at Jacks house he was always pottering about doing things, when you went out with the shops with Jack he would always coincidentally need to get something too.
Jack was a naturally flirty person, and was like that with everyone he knew. At first you thought Conor was like that too, maybe it was something that just happened to run in the family. However as you got older you started hanging about with a lot of other people there, and Conor wasn't flirty at all with them, but he was still acting the same with you.
Jack asked you several times if you liked his brother, and at the start you really didn't think you were lying, but the more he asked, the more you thought you might.
You heard him ask Conor about it too, having come to their house a tad earlier than they said, their mum let you in and pointed to where they usually were, upstairs. As you approached Jack's room you overheard Conor's accusatory voice.
"Of course I don't like her like that. Why would I? She's like a sister to me." With that you felt a small pain in your chest, but you opened the door casually, smiling at the two of them and pretended that you hadn't heard their conversation.

You were now all older, however not much had changed. You and Jack had moved up to London, him for YouTube and you for uni. And although you didn't live together, you were at each other's flats so much you might as well.
You were currently lounging on Jack's sofa, him just having gone shopping with Joe but said you could stay as long as you liked. You had the TV on, a cheesy rom-com movie on in the back ground, paying more attention to your phone than the film.
You heard the front door open, but assuming it was Jack who had forgotten something you let it be, not questioning it.
So when Conor walked through the door with a Tesco's bag in his hand you were surprised to say the least.
"Hi?" you asked, sitting up straighter on the sofa as he made his way round the counter top into the kitchen area.
"Oh, hey," he replied, seeming very casual about the two of you being in Jacks flat without Jack.
You stood up from your blanket cocoon, making your way over to the boy unpacking the bag, revealing bread and ham.
"Whatcha doing?" you asked, jumping up to sit on the counter beside him.
"Jack and I are meant to film a video here but I wanted to make myself lunch before we do it and the shop was closer to here than my flat." He answered, looking up at you with a smile.
You both stood and chatted, a flirty comment here and there, talking about uni and his career, him seemingly forgetting about making his lunch.

You had begun to talk about past relationships, as odd and random the topic seemed, the conversation was going pretty smoothly.
"So how come you and Jack never dated?" he asked you.
"We just weren't like that, yes he was my best friend and I love him but I don't love him like that. Plus, he's messy." You said, chuckling at the end.
It was silent for a minute when a quiet question broke the silence.
"How come you and me never dated?" he asked, not looking you in the eye.
"You never asked," you replied in a hushed voice, not knowing how this situation was going to end up.
"And if I did?" he said, looking up at you and walking over in front you, were you were still perched on the counter.
"You'll have to wait and see." You said, and with that he leant in, connecting your lips together.
He breaks away, smiling, as he moves to your neck. Your hands move to the back of his neck and entangle in the hair there, tugging it lightly as he leaves open-mouthed kisses across your now rosy skin.
He moves up to just below your ear, sucking on the section of fragile skin. Your mouth opens in an almost silent gasp at the sensation, a deep red colour now staining your skin. He works his way down your neck, alternating between placing soft kisses on it and creating small wine coloured hickeys along it.
By the time he reaches your now exposed collar bone, light moans are escaping your lips, his closeness to you only adding to the dull ache forming between your thighs.
"Do you want this?" his heavy voice filled with lust.
You bite down on your bottom lip as he stares up at you, his dark eyes moving from your lips to your eyes rapidly.
You nod your head, leaning forward to capture his lips in a passionate kiss, feeling him move his hands down to your thighs, lifting you off of the counter and making his way to the soft material of the sofa.
Your legs intertwine with each other, his body slipping between your parted legs, you both leaning forwards to connect your lips together, parting his mouth almost instantaneously.
He parts from you briefly, kneeling between your legs on the sofa, beginning to fiddle with the belt of his jeans.
His fingers immediately went to the waistband of your leggings when he had gotten rid of his clothing and found a condom in his wallet, looking up briefly at you to make sure you were certain about what was about to happen. You nodded, raising your hips to aid his hands, them making quick work of removing your panties soon after, tossing both of them onto the floor behind him.
He moves up your body, hovering over you, a smile on his face. He leant in and kissed your lips, but this was the first kiss that you felt something more behind, something more than just lust.
Excitement began to build as you felt his hand trail downwards, dipping his forefinger between your slit and collecting the arousal, a moan leaving his lips at how wet you already were.
"Please Conor," you moaned out, unable to be patient.
He obliged, lining up his thick cock with your entrance. Rocking his hips forward, your eyes clenched shut tightly at the stretch.
Seeing you in pain he leans down to press kisses to the red marks he had already made to your neck, hoping that the pleasure would override the pain soon.
Your fingers wrapped around his back, making slight scratch marks when he would hit a particularly good spot inside you.
Conor picks up his pace, rutting his hips up against yours, moans spilling from both of your lips, feeling like you were both close to your high.
"What the hell?!" you heard from near the door.
looking up you saw Jack and Joe standing at the living room door, shock and surprise gracing their faces.
"I just got thatttt." Jack whined, talking about the sofa you and Conor were now awkwardly connected on.
"Fuck off Jack!" Conor shouted, looking down at you to make sure you were covered from them.
You heard a sigh, and the door close, leaving you and Conor by yourselves again.
"Did that ruin the mood too much?" you asked him, looking up through your long eyelashes.
He answered with a simple no, a cheeky smirk on his face, continuing with what you were doing before you were interrupted.
You were close to your high again, meeting his eyes he understood what you meant he nodded, moving one of his hands so his finger rubbed your clit, matching the intensity of his thrusting.
Within no time you can feel yourself come to the edge, and by the way Conor was groaning and his pace had faltered somewhat, you knew he was close too.
The feeling of you reach your climax around him made him cum quickly. Moans mixing into each other as your mouths push together. Your back arching up to be flush with his torso as he continues to rut inside you until both your highs are ridden out.

You both get dressed quickly, the door reopening to show the two boys standing there again, hands covering their eyes.
"Is it safe to look?" Jack asked.
"Yes you dumbass." You chuckled, curling into Conor's chest in embarrassment.
"It's about time, so I'm going to go round to Joes, please try not to fuck on all of my furniture." He said, walking out the door with Joe.
You sat with Conor for a while, no words spoken, just basking in your contentness of what had just happened.
"If I asked you out what would you say?" he said, finally breaking the silence.
"Ask me and you'll see." You replied, a smile on your face.
"Y/n y/l/n would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked, looking down at you cuddled up to his side.
"I'd love to." You replied, leaning up to press a short but sweet kiss to his lips.

"I think I should go get my lunch now, you want anything?"

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