Private Conversations - Harry/Wroetoshaw

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You had woken up late that Saturday, having nothing scheduled for that day, the smell of food surrounding you.
You got out of the warm bed and trailed yourself to the small kitchen where you saw your boyfriend standing, cooking breakfast.
You walked over to him quietly, wrapping your arms around him from behind and resting your head on the soft t-shirt that was covering his back. You felt him jump slightly but seeing that it was your hands, he turned around, a smile covering his face.
"Morning," you mumbled, feeling his arms wrap about your body while you relaxed into his chest.
Removing yourself from his grip, you moved to sit on the counter top, letting him continue his cooking.
"Where are the boys?" you asked, noticing the lack of extra noise that there usually was.
"I think they went out? Shopping probably," he replied.
You nodded, focussing on watching him cook, the concentration on his face when he's trying to flip things and the annoyed look when something breaks mid-flip.

Finally getting everything plated up, you move back to his bed, turning on a random TV show in the background. Not really paying attention to it, just to have noise.
After you both finished, you both sat, leant against the headboard, hands intertwined with each other, random invisible doodles being draw on the back of your hand.
"How's uni going?" he asked in a hushed voice, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere but also wanting to start a conversation.
"Yeah it's alright, it's tough but nothing I didn't expect."
"Do you know what you want to do after you finish?"
And in truth, you had no idea, the future wasn't something you thought about all that often, you just wanted to live contently in the present without having to worry about the future. So you told him that.
"Do you have any idea what you want in the future? Not even job related just in general? With us?" he asked, trailing off quietly, not meeting your eye but still drawing on your hand.
This wasn't a topic that Harry brought up much, the occasional time when he's around his family with you and when he sees you with your own family.
You nodded lightly, "I've thought about it, I don't have a set in stone way I want it to go though. What about you?" You leant your head onto his shoulder, interlacing your legs together with his.
"Yeah, I've definitely thought about it, maybe some kids, a dog or two. As long as it's with you I don't care." He said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"Kids and dogs sound nice," you say absentmindedly, thinking about a future with Harry with little kids running about in the back garden, and Harry teaching them how to play football and how loved they would be by both sides of your families.
"We need to go see my parents soon, mum keeps asking about you and when you're coming back," he interrupted your thought process with a laugh.
You agreed, laughing but glad you get to see them again.

You both talked for what seemed like hours, going down random tangents of thought, things that only the two of you would really care about or think about.
However, during these chats you didn't hear Harry's two roommates come home from wherever they were.
With Harry's bedroom door slightly open they both stood with their ears to it, listening to the talks the two of you were having, giving each other odd looks and trying to stifle their laughs.
But when they heard the two of you get up they panicked, sprinting to the living room and jumping over the back of the sofa in an attempt to look casual, turning on the TV as quickly as they could.

The both of you walked out of Harry's room and were initially surprised at the boys being there but then were embarrassed at the thought of them hearing what you had talked about.
"How long have you been here?" Harry asked them, putting the breakfast dishes into the dish washer.
"Not that long," Lux answered, not looking at us but he had a teasing smirk on his face.
"But long enough to hear the two of you talk about what you want to try in bed next," Freezy continued, a cheeky smirk on his face, now that he was looking at the both of you from across the room.
You felt your face get red as realisation hit you, turning quickly to look at your boyfriend, a small bit of fear in your eyes.
"Fuck me," you whispered, sighing because you knew the both of you weren't going to live this down at least for a while.
"I think that's Harry's job, but when you decide to do what you were talking about, warn us so we don't have to hear it," Lux continued the teasing.
You turned to look at Harry, unsure how to read his facial expression, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. He held out his hand to you, and brought you back into the safety of his bedroom, shutting the door as you heard the words, 'Use protection!'

You turned and flopped face down onto his bed, groaning because of the situation.
Harry in turn flopped on top of you, cuddling his face into the crook of your neck.
"They'll forget about it in no time." He said, even though he knew that they wouldn't and you both would have to endure the teasing for weeks, even worse if they tell the rest of the boys.
You turned around under him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he lifted some weight off you by leaning on his elbows.
"I love you," he whispered, leaning down and pressing a light kiss to your lips, tingles surrounding you both.
"I love you too," you said, smiling in to the kiss.

He pulled back slightly, smirking, "So do you want to give the boys something to really complain about?"

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