Puppy Love - Simon Minter

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You and Simon had been friends since you were in nappy's. Your parents having been friends for ages, therefore you were always destined to be friends.
You were best friends since you could play, both of you helping each other with things, him being very protective of you from the get go.
Even when he properly got into the YouTube thing with JJ, he would always spend time with you, away from his online career.
When he moved away to London things had got a bit harder, phone calls and facetimes the main way of communication in between him filming videos.
He came home relatively frequently, loving to see his family, his dog, you.
He was coming home this weekend, it had been a while since he'd been down, but he just wanted a break from YouTube and the stuff that came with it.

His mum had phoned you the night before, inviting you to their house for a small welcome home dinner.
You arrived at his house, knocking gently on it even though his parents always tell you to just come on in every time.
His mum answers the door, greeting you with a big smile and a warm hug, the homely smell of a warm dinner surrounding you.
She points at the living room door, making her way back into the kitchen where you could hear Simons dad pottering about.
You quietly open the door, popping your head in to see Simon lounging on the sofa, Herbie's head on his lap, the TV on in front of him.
He glances up at you, expecting it to be one of his parents, but he does a double take when he saw you, a bright smile lighting up his face, getting quickly out of his seat to come hug you.
Your head fits perfectly into his chest, his arms snugly wrapped around your waist, his cheek resting on the top of your head.
He was wearing a pair of black shorts and an oversized grey hoodie, the familiar scent of his cologne surrounding your senses, relaxing you into his warm embrace.
He very gently rocks you back and forth, feeling your smile against his chest, cuddling properly into him and making up for the time that you haven't seen him.
You were fully relaxed in his hold when you felt something trying to wiggle its way in between the both of you, the soft fur circling your legs.
You pull back with a giggle, seeing Herbie wagging his tail in between the two of you, looking up at you.
He turned around on the spot, hitting Simon in the legs with his bum and tail to fully turn to you, Simon letting out a disgruntled huff at how much his dog loved you.
You laughed, bending down to pat him on the head, your hands carding through his soft fur as he licked your cheek.
You stood up, sitting down beside Simon on the sofa, kicking your legs up beside his, his long arm covering the tops of your shoulders, his hand absentmindedly drawing little circles on your arm.
Herbie jumps up between you, moving in circles to get comfortable, somehow head butting Simon several times before setting his head on your lap.
You giggle at Simons annoyed face, holding his nose and checking that it wasn't bleeding.
He pulled out his vlogging camera, pointing it at himself, a small portion of you in the edge of it.
"This is how much my dog hates me," he said, pointing at his nose, "He headbutted me, just to then lay on y/n. And what does she do? Cuddle him. Unbelievable."
You stifle a giggle, him pointing the camera so that you were more in frame, then down to Herbie who was almost falling asleep on your lap.

Simon's viewers didn't know you all that well. You didn't live in London with them so you weren't in that many videos. However, there were a few random games he played with you, and the one real life challenge he did with you, the comments on it not the nicest of things. Which lead him to turn them off on the videos that had you mainly on them.
In the vlogs he did at home he tried to mainly keep you out of them, the viewers not really liking how close the two of you were and he didn't want to see you get upset because of stupid people on the internet. In most vlogs, you were just your legs in the background walking past or a small giggle at something stupid he was doing or your reflection in a window while you filmed for him.

You spent the night relaxing, having a lovely family meal, his brothers coming home for the night too.
You sat in the living room, watching TV all together, cuddled into Simons chest, his arm keeping you pulled against his warm chest.
His brothers decided to head home, both of them messing Simons hair up on the way out the door, giving you a light hug.
Soon after, his parents decide to go to bed, saying goodnight, hugging you both, his mum kissing you both on the head, beginning her speech about not staying up too late.
Simon sits and edits one of his videos, you sitting beside him, your head on his shoulder, watching how concentrated on editing he is.
You talk back and forth a bit but you can tell he's not that engaged in the conversation.
You sit up, crossing your legs under you, pulling a blanket from the back of the sofa over you.
"You only see me once, maybe twice a month max and your sitting here editing?" you joke.
He turns to look at you, a small frown on his face. He saves all his work, turning off his computer fully.
"You know I was only joking, right? I don't mind you working," you say, scared that you might have annoyed him with your comment.
He turns to you properly, shaking his head, "You're right," he said quietly, opening his arms out for you to relax into them, hugging you into his chest, wrapping the cosy blanket around the both of you.

You sit and talk about things for hours. How YouTube is, how his friends are, how he is feeling really, away from the cheery YouTube version of himself, you convincing him to just take a break for a little bit, cut down on his work load because you could see how tired he was and just how stressed he was because he just wanted to please his viewers.
Your conversation eventually came onto relationships, an ever slightly touchy subject since Simon hated your boyfriend, or now, ex-boyfriend. Simon had made it very clear from the beginning that he didn't like him, your then boyfriend reciprocating the feelings.
You told Simon that you were no longer together, a small smile making its way onto his lips. But it slowly faded when he saw the upset look on yours, anger seeping around the both of you when you told him how he treated you towards the end, and how you ended it when you found him in bed with another girl.
He pulls you into a proper hug, resting his hand on the back of your head to keep it cuddled into him, kissing you gently on the head.
He held you for a while, a peaceful silence coming around you. He looked down at you when he felt your breathing even out, seeing your eyes gently closed shut and your lips parted slightly, a blissful look on your face.
He turned everything off, gently lifting you up, carrying you up to his room, tucking you under the blankets, which wasn't unusual from the number of sleepovers you had had together.
He crawled in beside you, covering the both of you properly with his soft blankets, wrapping a strong arm around your middle, placing a kiss on your head.
"Sweet dreams love," he whispered, relaxing behind you, not knowing you were half awake when he did it, both of you cuddling until you fell asleep properly.

You woke up to Simon lying beside you, scrolling through Twitter.
He turned his head to face your moving figure, a smile making its way onto his face at your sleepy expression.
"Morning," he says, overly cheery for your mood, a groan leaving your lips, your hand coming up to hit over his mouth.
He chuckled, reaching up and pressing your hand to his mouth firmer, kissing your palm before letting go, locking his phone and cuddling into you.
You cuddled all morning, having a proper in depth chat about things that had been happening.
"So we talked about my love life last night, what's happening with yours?" you said, tracing shapes with your finger on his bare chest.
He let out a short laugh, "Absolutely nothing."
"Come on Si, something has to be happening."
"I mean obviously there are girls about but they're not really that interesting to me. I haven't had a proper girlfriend in years purely because of my schedule. I'm so busy all the time, especially with travelling and events, I wouldn't want to make them feel like they're second to my job." He explains, running his fingers gently up your arm.
"But I think I've gotten to the stage where I want to find a girl to properly try things with. I've done all the cool fun parts with my friends, now I just want to do those cool fun parts with my partner."
"Do you have your eye on anyone?" you ask casually.
He nods lightly, "I don't think she likes me back though."
"Can I ask who it is?" you ask, feeling his heartrate pick up immensely under your ear on his chest.
You hear a small "Fuck," leave his mouth.
You hear another mumble, although you couldn't really make it out what he was saying.
You sit up to look at him, asking him to repeat himself.
"You," he says, a strong pink blush marking his cheeks, a steady procession of the word 'shit' leaving his mouth.
He grabbed the edge of the blanket, pulling it over his head when you didn't say anything in reply.
You smile to yourself, gently lifting the blanket, seeing Simon with his eyes clenched shut, not wanting to see your reaction.
You pulled the blanket over both of your heads, your head coming closer to his, feeling his light breath on your face.
You traced your finger over his facial features, coming to rest on his jaw, leaning in to very softly connect your lips.
Although he's surprised at first his lips move in sync with yours easily, his hand coming up to run through your hair, both of you smiling into the kiss, happy that you finally got what you had both wanted since you were young.
His hands gently rested on your waist as you kissed, a slow passionate kiss, making up for all the times you've wanted to do this but haven't been able to.
You hear someone open the door to his room, a gasp leaving their lips as you come from under the covers, falling into his chest at how obvious what you were just doing was.
Simon looks up to see his mum standing in the doorway, a smirk on her lips.

"It's about time."

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