Sunshine - Lewis Redman

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It began with a video. You were watching videos that had been in your sub box for a while, finally having time to get around to them. You were currently watching a video from Wroetoshaw, titled 'Football Death Run'. You had been subscribed to the boys for a while, interacting somewhat to Twitter. You had the video on in the background while you were tidying up your flat, until you heard a bang and eventually a worried voice saying, 'wait he ran into the goal post'.
Walking over to your laptop you rewinded the video a bit, and saw a boy run head first into the fence.
You initially thought nothing of it, chuckling because of how off centre he had run but when Harry came on screen and showed the boys cut that went through his eyebrow and had blood dripping down his face. You were worried at how calm he looked, and how after that it just ended.
Going on to twitter you created a tweet asking if he was okay, having not seen any updates about him since then.
After a couple of hours you got a reply from Tobi, a picture of the guy, Lewis, you'd gathered from viewers replies to your tweet. He was smiling and had a thumbs up, Tobi tagging him in it telling you that all was good.

You later got a dm from Lewis himself, telling you thank you for asking if he was okay and that he was doing good now, however he was still in obvious pain.
From there you and Lewis became friends, talking almost every day. You gradually became friends with the rest of the boys but Lewis was definitely the one you talked to most.
Being a youtuber yourself you were lucky, when the boys went to events, the usually brought Lewis with them, meaning that you could be with him when you went away and not miss your best friend.
Your viewers, and the boys too, enjoyed your friendship with Lewis. Because you spent time with him, there was more screen time of him and the fans could watch more of him that just football videos, get to see the personality as well.
Both you and Lewis get constant messages everyday asking if the two of you were going out, the boys not helping with their constant posts about you two.
The photos of the two of you when you're not looking, sarcastic captions like 'I just want someone who looks at me the way Lewis looks at y/n'. Videos of you two sleeping cuddled up on the sofa at movie night, mocking voices in the background talking about how cute you both were. There were constant streams of jokes coming from the boys, the most common one about not being able to leave you alone once you start dating because all you would do is have sex 24/7 because you're getting all the cute stuff out now whilst you're not dating.

That now brings you to the present, 2 years later, one new best friend, and a whole lot of memories. You had become closer friends with all the boys, including sidemen of the sidemen and the girls.
Lewis had invited you to go to the match to watch them all play, being proud of how far all the boys have come.
It was now the day of the match and you were sitting in the stands at Charlton Stadium with Gee, Mark, and Nia. The crowd was buzzing and you could tell how exited everyone was for the outcome of this game considering last year's success.
A few days ago Lewis had tweeted out saying that if the SDMN team won, he would ask you on a date. It was well supported by everyone, especially the boys who had retweeted it and replied with overly excited things. You were intrigued in what the final score would be, knowing that all the boys would now have some added initiative to win now just to get Lewis the date.

When the match ended, you were disappointed. Not in the boys because they lost, but in the fans. When they invaded the pitch, you could see the frustration on all the boys faces, them wanting to just be able to completely finish the whole game and ceremony without it being ruined.
Once majority of the fans had left you and the rest of the girls went up to the bar/sitting area where the boys were chatting with each other. You walked over and congratulated them all, finally making your way around to where Lewis was sitting. You lean down and wrap your arms around him, whispering your congratulations in his ear. As you stood back you chuckled, saying, "But now we can't go on a date."
And although it was said relatively quietly, all the boys heard and started laughing and shouting about it.
You looked down at Lewis, seeing a dark blush rise on his cheeks, a sheepish look now on it. You smiled down at him, but before he could meet your eyes he pulled you down onto his lap, hiding his face in your shoulder. Everyone laughs as you adjust yourself, reaching your arm up to pull your fingers through his hair.

The after party then turned into an after after party when you were all kicked out of the hotel lounge for being too loud. You all turning to Joel and Chip's flat instead. The celebrations lasted almost the whole night, people still drinking and dancing and partying at 5 am. You were standing talking to Simon about the match when Lewis comes up behind you, scaring you with a small 'boo'. Simon excuses himself from the conversation with a small smirk on his face, patting Lewis on the back as he walked away.
You turned to face only Lewis now, seeing the bright smile on his face and the rosy cheeks from how hot it was.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" he shouts over the music.
You nod, placing your drink down beside the sink and walking out the door with him, into the slightly cooler corridor.
You both walked down the road, watching as the sun rose above London. You walked side by side, occasionally brushing hands as you did so, a calming atmosphere surrounding you.
"Uh, so, I know we didn't win, but do you think, we could like...." He trailed off.
You looked up at his flustered face, laughing at the sight of how nervous he was. You nodded, asking him silently to continue.
"Could we go on a date anyway, even though we didn't win?" he asks quietly, however it was loud enough for you to hear in the silence of the morning.
You smile up at him, however he wasn't meeting your eyes in fear of you saying no.
You stopped walking, him doing so too, and you turned so that you were both facing each other, placing your hand under his chin and raising it so that you were both looking at each other. Smiling you moved your hand round to graze your fingertips over the edge of his jaw.
"Of course I will," you say, amusement lacing your tone at how nervous he was when he had no reason for it.
He smiles back at you, you both turning to continue walking down the pavement beside the river. As you were walking and talking about random things to try and keep yourselves awake you felt Lewis' hand graze yours, this was nothing new and you thought nothing of it until you felt his fingers interlace themselves with yours. His talking never faltered so you just gave his hand a small squeeze in recognition and continued on your walk.
When you get home you post a picture that Lewis took of you walking down the street with the sun rise in front of you, aptly captioned, 'this fully encaptures my mood right now '.

Eventually you get around to having your date. Lewis told you to dress casual, and as there was a heatwave currently happening in London, you put on a sundress and some white plimsolls.
You scrolled through snapchat briefly before Lewis arrived, seeing most of the boys with the same picture uploaded. A picture of Lewis in ripped jeans, a white button up with the sleeves rolled up and a back pack that was evidently filled with food for the picnic dinner you were going on. They all generally had the same caption, 'my boy's going on a date'. You smiled at them all, seeing how cute Lewis looked in the pictures.
You get to the park, hand in hand as you walk in, trying to find a spot that's in some amount of shade. There were many families with children running about, enjoying the sunshine that London had decided to have. It made you happy to see them so excited, remembering when you were young and a hot day was the most exciting time.
While you were admiring the gorgeous scenery of the park you didn't notice Lewis staring at you.
"You're really beautiful, you know that right?" he blurts out, catching your attention back to him.
You blush and say a silent thank you, leaning into his side as you talk for hours and hours about everything and nothing.
As time went on, gradually more and more people went home, it starting to get dark out after the sun had set. You and Lewis lay on the picnic blanket, side by side with your fingers playing absentmindedly with each other. You talked as the sky turned from blue to pink to orange to black, now a sea of stars scattered upon it. You enjoyed watching it, lying next to the only person you would ever want to.
You sit up, your back getting sore on the uneven ground, to look about the park, small lamps now illuminating your surroundings.
You hear the blanket shift beneath you, the sound of Lewis sitting up with you.
Feeling him wrap his arms around your waist from behind, he asks you a question.
"Are you okay?"
You nod, turning to face him properly, you go to answer him verbally but he cuts you off.
In a hushed tone he asks, "Can I kiss you?" His eyes wandering across your face to gage your reaction and meeting your eyes as you nod in agreement.
He moves slowly, one hand moving to your waist, the other moving to cup your jaw.
He makes small circles on your hip as he leans in, you both closing your eyes as you get closer.
You feel your lips touch finally, soft but a feeling of relief that you finally got to kiss your best friend. His hand moved from your jaw up to cup your cheek as your lips move slowly against each other.
You both pull back after a while, smiles on your faces, blushes dusting the tops of your cheeks. Lewis grabs your waist, pulling you on top of him in a hug while he lays down on the blanket again. You felt content with tonight, a feeling of happiness surrounding the two of you.
"We should do this again sometime," he says, gently drawing his hands up and down your back.
You chuckle.

"Yeah, if the boys ever let us be alone again."

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