Game Day - Simon Minter

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You woke up slowly, the light peeking through the crack in the curtains, shining onto the large bed. Turning over you see Simon laying, face cuddled into the pillow, sheets low on his hips. You smile at him, a feeling of excitement bubbling in your stomach because today was the day of the charity match.
You move over to him slowly, laying down parallel to him and ran your fingers gently up and down his bare back. You felt him shift slightly at the touch but it wasn't enough to wake him up. You lean in and press kisses to his shoulder, down his arm slightly and then up to press a light one on the tip of his nose. As you pulled back you could see his eyes fluttering open. When they opened and were met with the light pooling in the room he groaned, pushing his head deeper into the pillow so that the light wasn't there.
You chuckle, smiling at the small action.
"You have to get up soon, go have a shower while me and the girls make breakfast, yeah?" you tell him, moving so that you were now sitting up against the headboard.
He makes a noise of approval but as you tried to get out of the bed he wrapped an arm around your waist.
"I can think of better things for you to do, and I know I'll definitely be awake then," he mumbled the start into his pillow but by the end he had turned his head and had a smirk gracing his lips.
You smile, but shake your head, "Nice try."
You leave a quick kiss on his lips and roll out of bed, making your way over to the wardrobe to get some clothes on before you started breakfast.
You padded down the staircase and into the kitchen where Emily and Freya were standing, beginning to prepare things for the massive breakfast that you were going to make for everyone. All the Sidemen had stayed over at the house the night before to have a little celebration and to make sure they all arrived together at the stadium.

Simon had only announced your relationship a few days ago. You both had been going out for just over a year but you both agreed to keep your privacy for as long as you could. However, with the match coming up he couldn't not tell people who you were, he didn't want to restrain from celebrating any form of win with you. He did it in a simple way, a video of the two of you playing a one-off game, one of those stupid trivia quizzes that had the most random of topics on it.
After the video had been uploaded, you didn't really want to look at the response, knowing that the other girls were well loved by most in the fandom, you didn't want to be the only one they didn't like because you came off as somewhat shy in the video. However, after Simon encouraged you to look at what people were saying, you felt your nervous energy dampen out. Generally speaking, people really liked you. Although there were a few people who didn't like you, it was nothing that wasn't already expected. You read through what people were saying on Twitter, reading comments about how they liked you, and how you matched Simons personality well. A few of the boys had come in throughout the video, laughing at Simon's demise due to your advanced knowledge about the oddest things. The viewers enjoyed your presence on screen. Your ability to joke around with the boys as well as Simon, was all-round appreciated by them.

You were now all sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, people perched on stools, chairs they'd brought in from the dining room, counter tops, you name it and there was probably someone sitting on it. You were sitting on the counter, Simon standing beside you leaning his arm on your thigh while talking to a couple of the boys about how the match is going to go. You were in a daydream, looking about the group of people you had come to know so well over the past year. You felt so lucky that you could be surrounded by people that made you laugh, comforted you and even annoyed you at times.

After breakfast was finished, everyone made their way to the stadium, you vlogging a few things for Simon along the way.
As the boys went to check out the changing room and get dressed into their kits, Freya, Emily, Gee, and you walked around the stadium a bit, amazed at how many people will be here to support your friends. You chatted about random things, score predictions for the match, who you think will do well and who you think might surprise you. You briefly got onto the topic of what if people didn't like you as much in real life as they did online. It had only been a short period of time for the viewers to get used to you before they were going to see you in real life. However, the girls assured you that things would be fine, they seem to love you already and even they had gotten some tweets and such about how excited people were to meet all of you.
You make your way around to the tunnel where you had come in when Freya got a panicked phone call from the people who were manning the merch tables, saying that they were overwhelmed. All four of you went up and helped out at the tables, almost selling out of things the short time you were there. You were stunned at the sheer amount of people who wanted to take a picture with you or asking you to give things to the boys, which you graciously took and promised they would get them safely.

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