Shipped - Simon Minter

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You were going through your twitter mentions, getting somewhat fed up now with the amount of times people were talking about you and Miniminter. You had checked out a few of his videos after people started talking about how cute you both would be together.
You came to a line of tweets that included video links, a time beside it that you should check out.
Clicking on it you came to one of KSI's videos, aptly named "Smash or Pass – Youtuber edition". You sighed, having already seen a few other smash or pass videos where you were included.
You skipped to the time that the tweets told you about and played it from there.
'Y/n Y/l/n' JJ read out, a smirk on his face. CalFreezy and Callux with him on the black sofa.
Immediately all three boys stared at something behind the camera.
'Simonnnn, you wanna get in here to answer this?' Lux teased.
You heard faint disagreeing behind the setup, and then a reluctant groan as someone obviously pushed him in front of the camera.
'You know, personally, I would smash,' JJ said, chuckling at the rest of them.
Lux went next, 'You know, maybe take her out on a date, see how it goes...' he answered, all the boys groaning because of it.
Freezy was next, 'Smash, and I've seen her cook on her vlogs so maybe wife-ing afterwards.'
They all looked up at Simon expectantly, ready for his answer.
He mumbled something that the camera couldn't pick up.
'What was that Simon?' JJ said, cupping his had around his ear.
'Smash, but onl-' he answered more clearly, but got cut off by all the boys going crazy about how he openly admitted to wanting to smash you.

You went off the video when they had moved on to the next person and Simon had walked out of shot with a blush on his cheeks.
Moving back to Twitter you began to create a new tweet, '@miniminter smash huh?'
Posting it, you get a lot of replies from excited viewers, but then a notification came through.
'@miniminter has mentioned you in a tweet.'
Going to your twitter, you found what he replied, '@y/twitter/n I'm down if you are INSERT WINK EMOJI HERE'
You retweeted it, but decided not to reply just to leave the viewers in suspense.
You put your phone on silent and placed it face down on your desk, getting ready to film a new video.

Two hours later, after turning your equipment off, you picked up your phone, seeing that you had a load of notifications from twitter mentions, which only happened if someone verified tweeted you.
Going on to your Twitter you found that a load of your friends and fellow YouTubers had tweeted both you and Simon, with only your ship name.
You went onto your general mentions from everyone else and found that everyone was going crazy about your tiny interaction earlier.


You were now on your way to Summer in the city. It was about a week after the whole thing with you and Simon had blown up and it had finally died down, although not by a lot. You were still getting tweets everyday about how cute the both of you would be together.
Arriving at the venue, you and a few other YouTube friends took a walk about, seeing where everything was and meeting viewers along the way.
You were currently speaking to a small group of three girls and two boys, having already taken pictures with them but glad that you were able to talk to them properly.
You were talking about other YouTubers that they enjoyed when Simon came up in the conversation, all of them immediately gushing about how cute the two of you would be together.
"Have you met him?" one of the boys asked.
You shook your head, for someone that you were shipped with so much, you would have thought that you would have met, but unfortunately that had not happened yet.
"He's around here somewhere, I haven't seen him but it's all over Twitter that he's here." The other guy said.

You hadn't seen Simon all day, being swamped by viewers and seeing other friends that you had not seen in months, it was a busy day.
You and a few of your friends you had met throughout the day decided to go and have dinner before you went to the party that one of the 'bigger' YouTubers were hosting in their house.
So, as most people do, they go to Nando's.
About 30 minutes into your meal you hear a very identifiable laugh that you couldn't mistake. Ethan.
Glancing round to the source of the noise you saw the seven boys and a few of their friends, laughing amongst themselves, looking round at you and your table. You eventually found Simon sitting at the end of the table, looking down with a blush on his cheeks.
You smiled to yourself, but was broken out of your thoughts by someone yelling y/s/n (your and Simon's ship name). You feel your cheeks go red as you snap your head back to where you previously where, resuming to eat your food and pretending that you didn't hear them.

You arrived at the ginormous house, luckily there were no neighbouring houses as you could hear the music from down the street.
Your friends dispersed as soon as you all stepped through the door, leaving you to your own devices. Deciding to get a drink so you don't look overly awkward standing by yourself, you walked in the direction you assumed was the kitchen.
You poured yourself a drink, setting down the bottle you felt a hand tap on your shoulder lightly, as if they didn't know if they actually wanted your attention.
You turned to see the overly tall, slightly red headed boy that had been flooding your mentions recently.
"Hi," you said, a smile on your face, "It's nice to finally meet you." You laughed.
He smiled in response, "Hi, I'm really sorry for the boys earlier, they joke a lot about it at home but I didn't think they would do it when you were about." His faced turned from happy to nervous.
"It's okay, my friends do it to me too," you smiled, looking at your feet.
You both talked back and forth, about YouTube and your videos, a flirty comment made now and again.
He leaned in beside your ear as the music had seemingly gotten louder.
"You look really pretty tonight." He whispered, rocking back on your heels.
In your flustered moment after hearing that you quickly responded with, "So do you!" until you realised what you had said.
"Crap, no, sorry, I didn't me-" you were cut off abruptly by Simon, a chuckle coming from his mouth.
"It's okay, I knew what you meant."
"It's the first time we meet and we're already crappily flirting with each other," you laugh, taking a sip of your drink.
"Excuse me, this is my finest flirting thank you very much," he joked back, pretending to look offended.

You both decided it was too loud in the house to properly talk, taking a walk in the large garden instead. Although it was relatively dark out, it was lined with fairy lights, allowing the pretty flowers and walkways to be seen.
"So what do you like to do?" he asked.
"Well, assuming that you've seen my videos, I do skits and vlogs and stuff." You replied, looking up at him while walking along slowly.
"Yeah, but what do you like to do when you're not in front of a camera," he asked.
You were somewhat stumped at his question, as no one had really asked you it before.
"Well I like to cook, and bake. I used to do gymnastics when I was a bit younger, stuff like that."
You both spoke for what seemed like hours about your lives outside of YouTube, hobbies and interests, talking about some 'drama' about past relationships that had you had both been in, some that had been public and some that had not.
As you were both walking, rambling about everything, you felt his hand intertwine your fingers together, but continued talking, giving it a small squeeze in recognition.

You got to the edge of the garden, finding a wooden door in the wall that was surrounded on all sides with vines and flowers. We both looked at each other, silently questioning if we should go through it. Shrugging, you opened the stiff door, and with a little help from Simon you saw what was on the other side.
A gorgeous little beach was in front of you, a few steps lined with lights leading the way to the white sand and waves lapping onto the edge of it.
You ran down the small number of steps, down towards where the moonlight was shining on the light waves. The ocean was one of your favourite places to relax, the sounds calming you completely.
You felt Simon's presence behind you, his hands coming to your waist to gently turn you around, him moving to stand in front of you. His hands grasped your waist tighter as your hands came up to join at the base of his neck.
You smiled up at him, seeing his eyes flicker from yours to your lips and back again.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere.
You nod lightly, moving to meet his lips in the middle. His hands moving so that one was cupping your jaw, and the other on your lower back. You both smiled into the kiss, a feeling of happiness consuming the two of you.
You heard yelling interrupting the serene moment. Parting your kiss, you looked over to where the noise was coming from, seeing the boys and your friends cheering you both on, chanting your ship name over and over again.
You felt a blush come over your cheeks as you hid your face in Simon's chest, feeling embarrassed at the sheer amount of your friends that had just seen you kiss, knowing that there would be so much teasing happening over the next couple of days.

You felt Simon lean down and whisper in your ear, "Wanna go on a date sometime?"

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