PART 1: Chapter 1

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"Hell. Half-life. Dystopia. Those are many ways to describe the lost world beyond those gates," announced the bold and bellowing voice of DZI Commander Zachary Shaw as he stood above the rest of the soldiers. "But there is only one name that will be known throughout this safe haven: the Dead Zone."

There he goes again, Aaron thought to himself as he assembled his uniform. Ole' Zach Shaw motivating the infantry with his silver tongue and kingly voice.

Aaron paused for a bit to stare at his reflection in the locker room mirror. He glanced at his brown hair and continued scanning the rest of his DZI uniform. He then picked up his gun holsters and straps and made his way to the mess hall, continuing to listen to Shaw's speech through the barracks' intercom.

"When you're out there in the Dead Zone, one cannot be accused of murder. There are two things out there that have the choice and ability to kill, but the irony is that one of those is already dead. Even more ironic is the fact that they kill to regain their humanity."

Aaron continued walking down the corridors of the barracks toward the armoury to get some guns. When it came to the Dead Zone Infantry, only two rules really mattered: never go out into the Dead Zone alone or unarmed. Lack of protection meant becoming an easy meal for the Deadmen prowling the desolate fields outside the gates.

"Who knew corpses would be so desperate to become alive again? Treating blood like a fountain of youth. Well, it is our top priority in the Dead Zone Infantry to reclaim our world, restore society, and put those undead bastards to sleep for good."

"Aaron!" yelled someone from behind. He ran up behind Aaron and quickly smacked his hand on his shoulder. Aaron recognized that voice and Cockney accent anywhere.

"Jonah!" he exclaimed back. The two exchanged a quick series of high-fives and fist-bumps.

When it came to those two, Jonah always stood out the most. He had black hair that was always nicely combed and a sense of daring that hid any chance at finding out if the boy was ever scared. He'd almost been killed on every single mission, but it always made for some fun stories when everything was said and done.

"You ready for today's mass butchery, bruv?" Jonah asked excitedly.

"You can bet your arse I'm ready for a bloodbath," Aaron replied. "Two years and fifty-two missions later, we're still alive and kicking."

"Yes, we are. Now let's make this number fifty-three."

"So come, comrades!" Shaw continued speaking through the intercom. "Join me in the war between the living and the dead! Join me in reclaiming the world we've lost to the fallen! Join mass necrocide."

Aaron and Jonah arrived at the end of the corridor, finally reaching the armoury. Firearms of all types lined the walls like trophies. On the opposite sides of the weapons hung bandoliers already prepared with bullets for the missions.

"All right," Aaron said, clapping his hands together with anticipation. "Which of these babies should I bring into the Dead Zone today?"

He stared across the wall of guns. He gave a quick glance at the sawed-off shotguns before switching his view to the assault rifles. Those ones were his favorites. Next to the guns was a poster showing a simple sketch of a Deadman with a target over its head. The words AIM FOR THE HEAD were crudely painted in red next to the target.

Aaron's eyes found the noticeably small collection of sniper rifles. He was about to grab the first one he saw until someone else snatched it from its spot. He looked to the side to find a young woman a year older than him holding it up. She had short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes that stared deep into Aaron's. Katrina Mathis, one of the deadliest snipers in the DZI.

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