Chapter 46

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The floor around Ares was smudged red by his own blood, along with his pants and arms. Long scars covered the area where Bennington slit his wrists, one scar cleaner than the other. When he woke up, he was still strapped to a chair in the infirmary, but Schaefer and Bennington were nowhere to be found. Not even the laptop he was talking to Sarah through was there. Just two security guards watching over Ares like a hawk.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Ares growled.

"Probably the worst father in England," one of the guards replied. "You do realize what Schaefer has done to your daughter, right?"


Feedback blared through the speakers in the room and the hall outside. Then came the sound of someone tapping on whatever was being used to record what was going.

Everyone in the room winced as soon as the screams of a girl exploded out of the speakers.

"Shut up, bitch!" Bennington yelled. "We haven't even done anything yet!"


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The sound of a gunshot followed the statement, but luckily no one died. It was only used to shut her up.

"Sarah..." Ares whispered.

"So that's her name," one of the guards added.

Out of nowhere, Ares began squirming around in his chair as he attempted to rip free of his straps. His muscles bulged out of his arms, and a vein popped out of his forehead as he put everything into escaping. And once the sound of ripping occurred from the strap tying down his right arm, one of the guards ran to stop him.

"Hey, what the bloody hell?!" he shouted. "Just make my job easier and stay put!"

"Let me see my daughter now or else!" Ares hissed, ripping the strap off the chair. His right arm was now free.

"Or else what, old man? Do your worst."

Hearing Sarah's cries through the speakers was motivation enough. Noticing that the guard had a switchblade in his pocket, he quickly jerked up and snatched it away from him. He then sliced through the other straps and jumped up from his seat.

"Why'd you let him take your knife?!" the other guard said.

The previous guard proceeded to charge at Ares. "You motherf—"

The guard was silenced after Ares jabbed his own knife through his throat before throwing him to the ground, leaving him to bleed out of the new hole in his neck.

"Where is she?" Ares asked, aiming the bloody switchblade at the other guard.

"I'm not scared of you, arsehole," the guard replied.

Ares looked down at the previous guard, who was now unconscious as blood gurgled in his mouth. He noticed a gun holstered in his pocket.

"You people are fucking idiots," Ares groaned as he casually leaned down and retrieved the gun from the corpse's pocket. He then opened fire on the guard, shooting him three times in non-lethal places.

Once the guard had slumped to the floor, Ares slowly approached him and pressed the barrel of the gun against his head. "So...where are they holding my daughter?"

"Go to hell," the guard groaned in pain.

"I'll let you do the honors of going first." Ares pulled the trigger.

Now armed with a gun and a knife, Ares ran out of the infirmary and sped down the hallway. He shot every guard he came across and took their ammo for his gun. The only human life that mattered to him now was Sarah's. Not even his own life meant much to him anymore.

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