Chapter 7 (A Brit's Guide to the Dead Zone Entry #5: Abnormals)

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Despite their violent and carnivorous nature, most Deadmen aren't as dangerous as one would usually expect. They move at a relatively slow pace (unless they're hungry) and can be weakened with almost any weapon. Additionally, they can be easily distracted by other creatures, and it isn't that difficult to make contact with its head to kill it for good.

These kinds of Deadmen are classified as Commoners due to their relatively weak and predictable nature. They are only one of two classifications of Deadmen, yet they make up ninety-nine percent of the total undead population. However, the second class of Deadmen, making up less than one percent of the undead population, are the Abnormals, the most dangerous creatures to roam the Dead Zone.

Commoners are at their most dangerous when they attack in swarms. However, it can take only one Abnormal to accumulate a high body count due to its supernatural powers and abilities. Unlike Commoners, Abnormals rarely eat their victims, unless they're heavily injured or their powers/abilities require mass consumptions of flesh. They hunt and kill out of pure sadism, seemingly killing only to satisfy an unquenchable thirst for violence.

Due to their stronger enhancements than Commoners, Abnormals often have faster healing factors and increased strength. Some have been known to rip limbs off their victims or crush skulls with only their bare hands. Their abilities and powers involve the manipulation of a part of their body into a weapon, such as using their bones as blades, having self-sharpening fangs, or even the manipulation of their own blood as a weapon.

There are also many stories and accounts of Abnormals gaining sentience and awareness of their actions. This makes the whole "killing for kicks" theory even more terrifying as it shows how they know and enjoy what they're doing. The biggest evidence of sentience within Abnormal Deadmen is multiple accounts of some of them speaking. While Commoners usually hiss and shriek as attempted communication, some Abnormals have been rumored to have spoken whole English sentences. However, the capability of speech is different per Deadman as some speak clearly and comprehensively while others seem to struggle, like if they're barely learning a new language.

Known Abnormals (from least to most dangerous)

In the past six years since the beginning of the Outbreak that devastated Great Britain, there have been multiple sightings of Abnormal Deadmen, but only seven of these had enough sightings to be confirmed as real. Most of them have been taken out by the Dead Zone Infantry, but the rest have been declared missing.

7. Sky Reaper

Height: 5'11
Apparent age of death: early 20's
Abilities: fast-acting healing factor, mass of flesh hanging from arms used as wings, long gliding distances, sharp talons on feet
Total body count: 36
• Notable traits: wears a torn-up hoodie with the hood on (hence the nickname), mostly kills through bites and slashes with talons on feet
• Reportedly killed by DZI forces at Blackwood Babel Tower.

6. Spring-heeled Jack

• Height: 5'9
• Apparent age of death: late 30's to early 40's
• Abilities: fast-acting healing factor, long claws, genius-level intellect (proven through awareness of traps and weapons, ability to invent its own weapons, etc.), apparent hind legs that increase height of jump
• Total body count: 41
• Notable traits: hind legs similar to that of kangaroos (might've been broken before revival), red eyes, bite mark on neck, long laceration on its back in the shape of a letter J.
Killed by DZI forces at Matheson Babel Tower.

5. Timber Titan

Height: 6'2
• Age unknown
• Abilities: protected by branch-like tumors growing all over the body, skilled camouflage, some "branches" are used for stabbing and impaling
• Total body count: 59
• Notable traits: branch-like tumors covering many parts of the body (similar to Tree Man Syndrome), makes loud gurgling and clicking sounds when threatened or hungry, often called "Clicker" as a reference to an old zombie video game, slow healing factor
• Killed by DZI forces at Lovecraft Babel Tower.

4. Stabby the Clown

• Height: 5'8
• Age unknown due to clown makeup
• Abilities: fast reflexes, unnerving speed, flexibility, spider-like ability to crawl up walls and structures, sharp fangs, skilled with blades (particularly close with his machete and cleaver), can open up face to reveal rows of teeth and a parasitic-like mouth
• Total body count: 63 (most of which were at his last circus)
• Notable traits: darkly silly name, retractable face to reveal a wider mouth full of sharp fangs, bloody clown makeup, ranked by most DZI as the scariest Deadman they've ever seen, healing factor seems slow
• Whereabouts are unknown. Last seen near King Babel Tower.

3. White Scythe

• Height: 6'8
• Apparent age of death: late 30's
• Abilities: fast-acting healing factor, nearly bulletproof skin, super-strength, can transform arm bones into blades, fast reflexes
• Total body count: 170
• Notable traits: extremely pale skin (almost as white as snow; some call it the Albino Deadman), missing bottom lip, never wears a shirt, muscular body
• Whereabouts unknown. Last seen near ruins of Longridge.

2. Binge Eater

Height: 5'7
• Apparent age of death: mid to late 30's
• Abilities: fast-acting healing factor, long powerful teeth that can easily penetrate flesh, super-strength, fast reflexes, unnerving speed, genius-level intellect (proven through ability to speak and great deceptive abilities)
• Total body count: 237 (one of two Abnormals responsible for the London incident)
• Notable traits: short black hair, missing lip with exposed needle-like fangs, known for disguising itself with clothing (especially scarfs and sunglasses to hide its eyes and mouth), reportedly the only confirmed female Abnormal
• Reportedly killed by DZI forces in London. However, rumors state it still inhabits the ruins of the city.

1. Bloodletter

Height: 5'10
• Age unknown due to hidden face
• Abilities: healing factor with varying speed, manipulation of its own blood into a variety of weapons (blades, projectiles, explosives, etc.), super-strength, genius-level intellect (can use firearms, capable of speaking clear English, can detect traps, etc.)
• Total body count: >500 (one of two Abnormals responsible for the London incident)
• Notable traits: clothes riddled with bullet holes, always seen with a silver bulletproof helmet with a red X marked on the front. It's true face has never been seen.
• Whereabouts unknown. Anyone who does come across this monster never makes it out alive.

Final Warning

When it comes to Commoner Deadmen, it's simple. Shoot or stab it in the head. Fire is the second most effective way to kill it, next to the destruction of the brain.

But if an Abnormal catches you, you're better off digging your own grave. They are too smart and too powerful to defeat with simple firearms or a knife. There are three ways to easily kill an Abnormal:

1. Heavy firearms such as machine guns and mounted weapons.
2. Explosives such as grenade launchers and mines.
3. Fire, especially with flame throwers and Molotov cocktails. White phosphorus has also proven to be effective.

While these are the most effective ways to kill an Abnormal, it usually takes a series of these attacks to take them down for good.

If you don't have any of these with you, the only thing you can do is pray that they don't find you.

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