Chapter 66

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Back at the abandoned lab, the four Deadmen moved on to a boarding room. Aaron quit the waterworks a while ago and made amends with Harry, but the four of them hardly said a word as they continued their search for more evidence of the Ambrosia Project.

Fortunately, they didn't let their awkward silence get the best of them. Ten minutes ago, the four of them stumbled upon an empty, previously white room painted a new sinister coat of red. Bloody instruments lined up in a row on a tray next to a lonely chair, the cushions smudged crimson. In one corner of the room hung a trash can filled to the brim with dirty aprons. The metallic scent of blood in the air would've nauseated them if it weren't for the fact they were no longer disturbed by the sight of violence.

Plus, they were too distracted by the satisfaction of finding the second recorder on a desk. They even ignored the marred corpse of a soldier lying motionlessly on the floor beside the desk.

Once they took the recorder, they left the room and returned to the previously-mentioned boarding room. Aaron placed the suitcase full of evidence on a table that stretched from one end of the room to the other and opened it up. He carefully arranged the evidence on the table, clustering the recorders together and grouping the blueprint with the binder. But he went to the next level by proceeding to use the whiteboard in the room.

Aaron spent the next few minutes writing out nearly everything he's discovered or theorized while the other three sat around the table like businessmen at a meeting. He almost panicked since he realized he left his journal back at Matheson, but relief came over him once he found some of his drawings in his pocket, which were of his trio of undead friends along with the grim representation of Edgar glaring down at a gravestone. It was only harder to look at now that they found out he was Schaefer's son.

"What's that, mate?" Harry asked.

"Just some drawings I made of you guys," Aaron replied as he unraveled them out of their crumpled ball forms. "Nothing insulting though. I swear."

"Like genuine drawings or just really professional-looking stick figures?" Kyle asked.

Aaron handed each of them their respective drawings and gave Jade the extra one of Edgar. "See for yourself," he said.

While the three Deadmen were distracted, Aaron went on a rampage scribbling down every bit of information he had learned in the past hour on the whiteboard. He pulled the binder closer to him to assist him with his information and even played the second recorder out loud as he worked on writing down the facts.

Walter Bennington here, the recording said, more infamously known as Hades here at this facility. Well...maybe not infamous. I may be a bit of a bastard, but I haven't done much harm to the test subjects themselves...

We've had eleven deaths caused by malfunctioning droids, and the corpses were always littered with contusions and fractures. But enough about them. They are test subjects, not people. You don't mourn failed experiments. You dispose of the inadequate variables and try again...

Aaron flipped through the pages of the binder to find the entry for Walter Bennington. He wrote down his birth date, real name and alias, and the recorded incidents of him killing a test subject. Given the fact there were twenty-seven incidents written down, he stuck to using tally marks.

Not only was the AMBR-051A supposed to be a surprise that we would present to Her Majesty the Queen in order for permitted usage in the British Army, the methods of how we tested it are supposed to remain a secret. Even if we aren't treating them like slaves or like prisoners of a concentration camp, we can easily be accused of inhuman experimentation and mistreatment of human corpses. And now that anyone could know what's been going on, our entire project has been fucking jeopardized!

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