Thank You! + Additional Info

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If you made it this far, then let me just say thank you so much for reading my story! It felt like only yesterday I published the first chapter and it went misty unnoticed. But one year later, we've reached over 6,500 reads! (At least as of this writing) I only wanted to make something that would (mostly) defy the cliches of the zombie apocalypse genre, and I am happy to see that it got some love.

I'd also like to thank my fellow Wattpad users for interacting with the story as well. Let's just say I am thankful for that comments section; otherwise I would've never known if people had laughed, cried, got angry, or screamed "Holy shit!" at the appropriate moments. I was a little worried the story would devolve into unintentional hilarity out of absurdity, but luckily it still managed to evoke a wide range of emotions. Seriously, every time I saw a reader comment "Holy shit!", my day was automatically made better.

But enough gab. Just all in all, thank you so much for reading. I hope it was as much of a pleasure to read this story as it was for me to write it!

But now that our story is over and Aaron O'Connor and his undead friends are left to their own devices, we'll be taking things easier for a while. In the next couple of weeks, I'll be adding a few more activities not relating to the plot. If you keep reading, you'll discover five interesting facts about the story and a little questionnaire you can answer just for fun. I will also add a Cast of Characters to add faces to these personalities in the story and eventually a preview of my next project coming to Wattpad.

I will not reveal anything about my next project for a while. It is top secret, but I can assure you it will be awesome! The only reason it will take a while is because it requires a lot of research. Seriously, a lot. It would be borderline offensive to start the next project without some prior knowledge on its themes and subjects.

Enjoy the rest of your reading! And feel free to comment on anything you'd like (as long as it's not rude or offensive).

5 Interesting Facts About Necrocide

1. There are multiple shout-outs to other zombie media throughout the story. For example, Matheson Babel Tower was named after Richard Matheson, the author of famous zombie story-turned-film adaptation I Am Legend, and the pub known as Moore and Kirkman's is named after Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, the creators of The Walking Dead.

2. The word "blood" is used 1,060 times throughout the story (466 times of which made up Bloodletter's name) and the expletive "fuck" and its variants are used 186 times.

3. Part 2: Bloody Beginnings was originally going to be removed from the story due to its excessive length and slower-paced moments and instead be published as a separate prequel, but it proved to be arguably the most important section of the story, as it contained lots of important character development and laid the foundations for the story's main conflicts. Plus, I really liked writing it and wanted to keep it.

4. Lavinia Dyer was named after Lavinia Fisher, a woman often reported as the first female serial killer in the United States.

5. Eight Abnormal Deadmen are mentioned in the story, but only four of them (Bloodletter, Binge Eater, the White Scythe, and Aaron) play an integral part to the plot.

Just Some Questions:

1. Favorite character?

2. Character you totally despised?

3. Favorite part of the story?

4. Part that made you angry/sad?

5. What you would like to see in a sequel (if there ever will be one)?

6. Overall opinion of the story?

Feel free to ask your own questions here!

For the third and final time, thank you so much for reading my story! Have a great day, guys!

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