Dark Figures

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"Miss James." I hear Alfred call.
"Yeah Alfred!" I yell walking towards his voice.
"Master Bruce has requested you see him in the Bat Cave." I smile.
"Thank you Alfred." I turn around and start walking towards the library.
"Oh and Miss James." Alfred calls again. I turn around and nod my head.
"Your suit is cleaned, took me awhile but it's good as new." I laugh at Alfred.
"Oh I'm sorry Alfred, I was going to to that. But thank you anyways." He smiles and I walk to the library.

"I haven't found anything on Grey Jay." Bruce says as I walk up behind him. It's been two days since I ran into her and me and Bruce haven't been out since.
"I just don't understand." Bruce turns around and looks at me. "Why does he have someone like you? As an employee, to kill you?" I narrow my eyes.
"She kinda looked like me." I whisper. "Maybe we should go out again tonight." Bruce doesn't say anything. "Maybe if we go out we can find out who she is. Maybe even find that other villain. The Scarecrow said he was a-a ex-hero?" I say looking at my clean suit. I look at the time and see that it's about 8pm.
"If we do, if." Bruce starts, I roll my eyes.
"Yes yes! I know." I stop him. "Be careful." I mock Bruce as he laughed and places a kiss on my lips.
"Seriously. Be careful." Bruce holds my shoulders and I nod my head rolling my eyes.

"We should try the west side of the Narrows." Batman says. It's now about, 4:30 in the morning and I feel myself falling asleep. Sleep hasn't been easy for me, this past few weeks have been crazy. Dreams of Luke play when I actually do sleep, but would quickly change into nightmares of the day Luke died. Then Luke would turn to Bruce dying. Bruce has picked up on me not sleeping well, sometimes at breakfast he would have to talk to keep me awake. One morning I had fallen asleep, while I was talking. Another time he tried to wake me up and I accidentally slapped him across the face.
"Hmm." I say opening my eyes. They feel extremely heavy and ache from keeping them open. We make our way down to the west side and stay there for another hour, just waiting.
"We should just call it a night." I say my words getting slurred by my sleepiness.
"Alright." Batman nods and we are about to jump off the building when I hear something get flung at Batman, I quickly push him out of the way, me tackling him as a bomb goes off.
"Looks it's the dark night, and his song bird!" A women's voice says. I look up and see Grey Jay standing next to a tall masked man. His eyes, I've seen then before. I stand up and pull my swords out as Batman stands up as well.
"I've got the big boy." Grey Jay jumps at Batman, but before I could do anything the man tackles me. I fall to the edge of the roof and kick him in they stomach, making him fall back. I pull myself up and put my sword to his neck.
"So your the other puppet." I say, feeling fully awake. "I'm guessing he's paying you lot for doing this?" He says nothing. I nod my head and throw a shock ball at him. The strange man falls and I look at Batman who is on the ground, trying to get the women off him. I go up behind her and push her off, I'm about to throw a shock ball when a hand lands on my wrist. The strange man then twists my arm and pushes me on top of Batman. We fall as Grey Jay and the man stand above us.
"Who are you?" Batman asks as I reach for my swords.
"Grey Jay." The women says. I look at the man, his eyes soft as they land on mine. I feel myself stand up and reach towards him. But my hand is pulled away by him as he jumps away with Grey Jay. I growl as I see Grey Jay turn around a smirk with her eyes.
"Let's go home." Batman says as Bruce in a whisper.

I rub my eyes in exhaustion, as Bruce sips his coffee.
"Chrissy are you sleeping well?" I turn and look at him, knowing that the bags under my eyes are heavy.
"We should get some fresh air. Go out for a walk?" Bruce asks and I nod my head.

The wind blew through my air, as I sat next to Bruce on the park bench. I see kids play as their partners laugh with them, having a normal day in a normal life. Bruce looks at the kids then at me.
"Have you ever wanted to settle down, y'know, have wife, have kids, grow old together?" I look at Bruce with a raised eyebrow.
"Deep thoughts with Bruce Wayne." I say smirking.
"It's a serious question." Bruce says chuckling.
I nod my head, "Yes, yes I have thought about it."
"Was it when you were with Luke?" Bruce asks. I look at him, then at my lap.
"Yes, when I was with Luke, we always talked about that kind of thing." I look up at the now cloudy sky. "Did you ever think about that with Rachael?" I turn to Bruce as he sighs.
"She didn't, I did. She couldn't handle me when I wanted revenge for my parents death. Then she couldn't handle me and Batman." I look the other way and bite my lip.
"Do you wish you could turn to clock back and fix things so these bad thing wouldn't happen?" I ask not looking at him. Bruce takes my hand into his.
"If I changed all that then we wouldn't have met, we wouldn't have been Batman and Blue Jay together. We wouldn't be here, together." Bruce says, I turn to him and smile.
"Let's go home. I need some sleep tonight." I stand up, as Bruce follows. We walk hand in hand as the sun goes down. We past a few joggers, family's, and couples out for a late night walk. A tall man with a dark sweater covering his face with his hood, bumps shoulders with Bruce.
"Watch it." Bruce says turning a little. I look at Bruce and then at the man, and his hood has falling down. My eyes lock onto those blue crystal eyes. The ones I found love in.

Batman:The Bird's Nest (Book 2) {#WATTYS2018} (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now