I'm Not Dead

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"Luke?" My heart is racing and I feel his gaze fall onto mine. I hear Bruce breathing beside me, and the wind blows past me without a care. My hands have gotten clammy and my forehead has gotten a layer of sweat. My throat is dry and I can't think of anything to say, when I do nothing comes out. Suddenly my mood from bliss of surprise turns to cold but hot anger. Without thinking, my hand flies up and slaps Luke across the face. He holds his face as a red mark forms and a lump formed in my throat, along with tears falling down my cheeks. Everything is happening in a blur, but moving so quickly. One minute I slap Luke, the man I loved but died a year ago, and the next I'm hugging him and holding him as a waterfall of tears fallen onto his sweater. I feel him loosen up and hold me tight in the hug, the hug I've longed for in my dreams.
"Chrissy." Luke says breathless. I suck in air as I hear him say my name. I let him go but he still holds my hips.
"Luke-" I gasp and tears fall and I feel so weak. "I thought you died. When they came for us. I saw you die." My voice is now horse and cracked.
"Well I didn't. I thought they had killed you." Luke says as tears brim his eyes. I laugh and look down at myself.
"Well-" I huff, "-I'm alive." I smile weakly. I hear a cough behind me and see Bruce standing there looking red in the face. I feel bad but don't pull Luke away from me. I've waited so long for this.
"Luke Somber, this is Bruce Wayne." I say pulling away, Luke puts his hand out and Bruce stares at it for a second before taking it.
"It's wonderful to meet you Mr.Wayne." Luke says smiling, which makes me smile.
"You too but please, call me Bruce." Bruce looks at me for a moment and smiles at Luke.
"How did you make it out of there Luke? I mean-"
"Maybe we should have a chat?" Luke looks at Bruce. I pull Bruce by the arm and turn the other way.
"Bruce would you mind if I-"
"No go ahead, I'll go back to the manor if you need me." Then Bruce walks away, I have a feeling he's not happy. I feel a hand land on my shoulder and I turn around to see Luke smiling at me.

"When they had done me over, I had thought I was dead. But I wasn't. For some reason I woke up again after being dead for 10 minutes." Luke says with a hint of laughter in his voice. We now sit under the stars in the park enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, like we use to do when we first met.
"I went back to our apartment and I looked everywhere for you. Eventually someone took me to the hospital and the reports of you going missing had appeared, they ended the hunt with declaring you dead." Luke says taking my hand in his big warm ones.
"They had pulled me away from your body, Luke I'm sorry. I ran away and I was scared and I thought that you-"
"Love-" he stops me and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "It wasn't your fault. I'm here, your here. We're together again." Luke holds my cold cheeks as I smile warmly at him. I look away as I feel blush grow on my cheeks. Luke puts his hands down and lies down on the grass more, I do the same.
"So how's Blue Jay?" Luke asks looking up at the stars.
"She's good. She had a rough patch this past year but is back to her old good deeds." I say smiling.
"What kind of rough patch?" Luke looks over at me.
"Well-" I bit my lip. "I kinda... helped bad guys, and almost killed Batman." I squeeze my eyes shut but open them when I hear Luke laugh.
"Wow, killing Batman? That's one rough patch." Luke sighs and I laugh when I think about it.
"So you work for Batman?"
"With Batman." I correct him.
"Do you know who he is?" Luke has now turned to me completely. Should I tell him? No, it's Bruce's secret, he didn't tell Gordon that I was Blue Jay, so I shouldn't tell Luke that Batman is Bruce Wayne!
"No no I don't." I lie. Luke looks up again and nods his head.
"What about Eagle Eye? How's he?" I ask as Luke stiffs a laugh.
"He's under the radar now. Put to rest for now." Luke says sadly.
"Then what have you been doing for this past year."
"Looking for you!" I stay silent.
"What lead you to Gotham?" I ask softly.
"Work lead me here, as in a normal job and stuff. Things we dreamed to have." Luke then sighs. We are both silent, lying there under the stars feeling happy, but longing for more.
"So-" Luke breaks the quietness. "What's up with you and that Wayne guy?" His voice is dripping with jealousy.
"I'm not sure. He was there for me this past year."
"What happened to the girl who was afraid to love. It took me 7 years just to get you too agree to go out with me? Now you fall for some guy who was there when I wasn't." Luke sits up. I shake my head sitting up as well.
"Luke, I was lost and confused, I needed a shoulder to cry on. I thought you were dead. We both did. I'm sure you meet someone to be there when I wasn't." I say as Luke looks away thinking.
"Runway with me." Luke says out of the blue.
"I'm serious Chrissy. Forget our whole hero things, leave this horrible city and run away. Get married have kids! Everything we've always wanted." Luke holds my cheek again, making them warm.
"Luke I just can't. I want too. God, I've dreamed this whole year, but-" my mind goes to Bruce. "I can't..." Luke nods his head and helps me stand up after he does.
"We should see each other again." Luke says holding my shoulders.
"Of course." Suddenly Luke plants a kiss on my lips. I melt in his arms at his touch on my lips. He pulls away and puts his hood up and walks down the park path, leaving me wanting more.

"About time you got back!" I scream in shock as I see Bruce walk around the corner as I close the door to the manor.
"God, don't scare me like that."
"How was your date with Luke?"
"It wasn't a date." I roll my eyes at him.
"I don't think you should see him again." Bruce says sternly.
"Bruce!" I yell feeling my happiness slip away. "Your not the boss of me." I say walking past me, but as always he grabs my arm to hold me back. Bruce always wants the last word.
"Let me go." I struggle in his grasp.
"I've got a bad feeling about this guy."
"Bruce I've known him my whole life!"
"But you said he was dead? Did you not." Bruce has now let go of my arm.
"Luke explained everything. How he though I had died, he had nothing to hide from me!" I feel anger boil in me. "Know, are you done being a child of jealousy, or do you want to bash up my life even more." And with that, I storm away too my room, slamming my door. I flop down on my bed and cry into my pillow.

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