Saying Goodbye

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Nightmares. The things that feed off fear while we sleep. It Creates a world with sorrow, loss and heartbreak. Watching up from a nightmare is the sweet relief of it all. Waking up to see that nothing in that nightmare is real, it was just a dream the whole time. Knowing that the one you loved is still alive as you gasp for air after a nightmare is blissful. But waking up from that nightmare only to realize that it's true, you love one has died, is heartbreaking.

"Chrissy you going to bed now?" Bruce asks as he comes into the library. I sit in a chair staring at the fire all evening.
"What's the point? I just wake up again and never sleep." I don't look at Bruce. He then sits in the chair next to me.
"I know what it's like to have nightmares about the one you loved dying. But one night, she, came to me in my dreams and told me she was sorry. Maybe Luke will do the same." Bruce kisses my head and walks off to his room for the night. I sigh and follow in suit, going to my empty room.

I squint as my vision is blurry. It's white... and warm. My eyes adjust to the bright light to see that I'm in a ballroom. The one where Luke confessed his love for me, and where we had our first kiss.

"Such a sweet memory." A voice says from behind. I turn around and see a flow of white radiating from Luke's body. He's dressed up the way he was when we had our dance together so many years ago.
"Makes you wish you could turn back time." He finishes and looks right at me. Tears stream down my cheeks as I run up to him smiling. I hug from and he holds me tight.
"Oh Chrissy." Luke weeps in a sorrow tone. I pull away and look at him. "I'm so sorry for everything I've done. I never wanted to hurt you. I tried for so long to protect you from him, Chrissy I'm so sorry." Luke  says crying more then I am. I shush him and run my hand across his hair down to his cheeks to rub his tears away.
"I know." Is all I say. Luke leans his forehead against mine as we hug each other. Never wanting this moment to end.
"May I have this dance?" Luke asks putting his hand between us. I look down at it as ballroom music starts to play. I smile and take his hand.

Luke whisked me away on the ballroom floor, just like he did many years ago. For the first time in forever I feel calm, and at peace.
"So this is us now." I state as we slow dance by ourselves.
"No," Luke says sternly. "This is me, you still have many years left in you." I look up at him and tear up again. "My time is over, that doesn't mean yours has to end too."
"But I'm without you." I cry out.
"And you did well for the year you thought me dead. You found an even greater love." Luke smiles at me. "You found Bruce Wayne. The man who showed you how to get back up when you fell. How to love when you had no heart." Luke's face stays in a smile which makes me weep more.
"Please Chrissy-" we stop dancing. "-don't mourn my death. Be with Bruce, fall in love all over again, just like I wanted you too." Luke holds my hands and kisses them. "Don't give up on something that you just started."
"Will you remember me?" I ask holding his hands tighter.
"Dear Chrissy-" I smile as he smiles. "-how could I ever forget you." Luke kisses my lips and sighs.
"I have to go." He says suddenly, I turn around and see the world fading away from me. Luke turns around and walks the other way, an open door with a white glow like him.
"Will I see you again?" I ask frantically.
Luke turns around and smiles softly. "In due time."
"I'm gonna miss you." I say as his face turns sad and tears gloss his eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you too." His voice cracks.
"I love you." I say as he starts to fade away, along with me and the world.

"I love you too."

I bolts up in bed painting as I'm covered in sweat. The sun is shining in through my window as the birds chirp outside.

I love you

Those three words echo in my head as tears come to my eyes.

Don't mourn my death

His voice sings out again. I stand up and look out the widow as the sun is shining high in the sky. I slept good, and no nightmares. My sweet dream of Luke. My mind feels empty and my emotions are even. I feel blissful. No emotion or feeling. I'm calm.

"I'll never forget you Luke." I say smiling at the sky. Hoping he hears my loving and meaningful words.

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