The Threat

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The feeling of having something you longed for is blissful. Having the person you love most next to you, supporting you, loving you, it's an amazing feeling. I stood up from my chair and look around the library. My mind was on a different world, thinking of what has become of me and the people around me. But my mind was brought back to Luke every time.
"Thinking are we?" Alfred says as I look at him.
"Hm." I say looking back at the window.
"What's on your mind today Miss. James?" I turn to Alfred and smile.
"Everything. Me, Blue Jay, Bruce and Luke."
"Ah yes. Bruce told me about that lad."
"Oh has he?" Alfred nods and I nod my head back. We're silent for a moment, and I frown.
"But I don't know what to do." I realize now, I've got to choose.
"How so Miss James?"
"I've..." I stop and sit down. "I don't know. I'm worried, and I'm not sure what to do." I admit. Last night I had found out Luke lived, after this one long year he was here, breathing all along. But I feel connected to Bruce, he was there for me when Luke wasn't. But we both thought each other had died.
"If you don't mind me saying Miss James," Alfred starts, "don't worry about something, until there is something to worry about." Alfred then smile and walks away. I stand up and turn back to the window, a ghostly smile spreads on my face. Alfred's right. I shouldn't worry now, I've got other things so worry about. Like the Joker and those two new jerks running around Gotham. I hear footsteps down the fall and turn to the door. I look at the time and see that it's around 3:30 on the afternoon, I look out the window and feel my body want to move out into the hall. I sigh as my mind has taken over with love. I run out the hall and turn the corner running straight into Bruce. We fall onto the ground as my hair falls into my face. I sit up as Bruce fixes his papers. We haven't spoken since our disagreement the night before, so I suddenly feel awkward. But I shake the feeling as Bruce and I stand up in silence. Bruce then drops his papers again as his shock from me pushing my lips onto his. His hands go to my face as I hold his shoulders, then our bliss is over as we pull away breathless.
"Sorry." I say picking up his papers. Bruce then pulls me up and kisses me again, even better then the first round. He pulls away and smiles, "I missed that." His smiles turns into a smirk.
"So did I. I'm sorry about everything. This year has been crazy, and these past few weeks have been crazy. I've treated you like crap, and you don't deserve the treatment I've given you." I say looking down.
"There's no need to apologize. Things will be better." Bruce then bends down and picks up the papers, "I've got a hold on the Jokers location."
"Master Wayne!" We both turn and see Alfred running down the hall. "You might want to see this."

"Look at all this money." The tv shows a pile of money with the Jokers voice behind it. Then the the Joker is shown, his wicked smile sends goosebumps up my spine. Bruce holds my shoulder as we watch the tv.
"I want you all to see Blue Jay, and who she is. Everyday she doesn't come forward, I will kill someone." He then laughs and I hide in the chest of Bruce. I then pull away and walk down the hall.
"Chrissy." Bruce and Alfred are walking behind me but a knock at the door stops me. I glance at Bruce and Alfred slowly walks to the door, and opens it. I feel sweet relief as I see Luke standing in the door way. Before he can ask Alfred we sees me and I run past Bruce, running into Luke's arms.
"I just heard the news." Luke says.
"I don't know what to do." I say. I turn to Bruce but Luke pulls me back.
"Does he know?" Luke whispers, I nod my head.
"What's our plan?" Luke says looking at Bruce.
"Nothing, this isn't your concern." Bruce says pulling me away from Luke.
"Yes it is! I've known her since we were kids." Luke pulls me to him.
"That doesn't matter, I was here for her when you weren't." Bruce pulls me back.
"I'm sorry Mister 'Rich Boy' I thought she was dead!" Luke yells, Bruce turns red.
"Well, it was your fault for looking in the wrong place!" Bruce pulls me back, but I pull out of their grasp.
"Bruce Wayne!" I yell at him, "Don't say that." I turn to Luke.
"And you," I point my finger in his face. "Be nice. And both of you-" I look between the two. "Are you done showing off and having the biggest ego contest? We have a threat, on me and innocent people. So please-" I sigh "get alone and help me." I feel tears in my eyes as the boys look at each other.
"I shouldn't be getting involved in this." Luke says shaking his head.
"Why not?" Bruce asks folding his arms across his chest, narrowing his eyes.
"It isn't me anymore, I can't." Luke says kissing my head and walking towards the door.
"Be careful Chrissy. Please for me." And with that Luke leaves.
"What does he mean when he says that's not him anymore?" Bruce asks as we start walking down to the Bat Cave. I think back to Eagle Eye and Blue Jay.
"People change Bruce, let's go." I say walking down the hall.

My mind is all fuzzy as Bruce and I are trying to find a plan for this stupid threat. Luke left and I don't understand why he didn't want to get involved. He would be on me if I needed anything back then, but now... He's changed. Luke is too different and it scares me.

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