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I smile creeps on my face as I sit next to Luke.
"I never understood people." Luke said as he sips his coffee.
"What?" I ask laughing.
"Some people do the weirdest things. Fall for the oddest people, including yourself." Luke looks at me and I shake my head.
"What can I say, I like my men different."
"Hmm-" Luke smirks, "-the hero type?"
"Hey!" I pout my lower lip, "this hero thing was totally unexpected! It was your idea anyways." I cross my arms.
"Come on, we should get home." Luke says as he grabs my hand. We walk out of the shop and he puts his arm around my waist. He leans in and kisses my neck and I giggle.
"That tickles!" I push him away and he growls. Luke then puts his hands deep in my hips, tickling me. I scream in laughter, making people on the streets look at us. I run down the street yelling at Luke to stop tickling me. I run into our apartment building and run up the stairs as Luke has caught up with me. His long legs make him run way faster then me. We make it to the apartment and I sigh, breathlessly.
"You didn't catch me this time!" I brag as he leans on the wall, breathing heavily.
"Your getting better, that's for sure." Luke takes off his coat and lies down on the couch.
"Nah, your just getting old." I say as he gasps.
"Never, no such thing." 
"Then next time, actually catch me when we are running!" I sit down next to him and he puts his hand behind my head.
"Maybe I will."
"Maybe you should." Luke leans in closer and we share a deep kiss. The kind of kiss that makes you feel sick in love. Too sick.

"Good morning Miss James." Alfred says as I walk to the dinning room.
"Hmm, oh good morning Alfred." I say rubbing my eyes.
"Sleep well?" Alfred hands me a tray with fruit to bring down to Bruce. I told Alfred that for every meal I would bing it down to Bruce and eat with him.
"Yeah, I guess." I grab my tray and make my way to the Bat Cave.

"I thought you'd never come down." Bruce says as I lay the tray down on a side table. I help Bruce up and smile.
"Sorry, I was caught up with my dreams."
"And what such things do you dream of these days?" Asks Bruce as I sit down next to him, after helping him sit down.
I narrow my eyes and then rub them. "Memories."
Bruce looks up at me and stays silent. Almost as if he gets the feeling of your dreams being old memories. He hands me my fruit and I stare at it for awhile.
"Chrissy?" Bruce says as I look up at him.
"I have to see Luke again." I say what I am thinking.
"What? Why?" Bruce asks as he narrows his eyes.
"I just- I have too, I need too. I'm sorry Bruce I just- I-"
"I understand." Bruce looks down as I look at him. "I know if Rachel were alive again, I would want to talk to her. So I understand-" Bruce looks up and smiles weakly. "Go talk to him."

"I remember that." Luke says smiling after I told him the dream of our memory to him.
"How we used to chase each other all the way to our apartment." I say laughing.
"We should do that again." Luke says as I shake my head.
"No! I'm not good enough for that anymore."
"Now look who's the old one now!" Luke says pointing at me.
"I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings-" Luke looks at me confused, "- you haven't been Eagle Eye in forever, your not in shape!" I say playing with him. Luke nods stiffly and then says nothing.
"So how's things with BJ and Batman?" Luke asks as he sips his drink.
"It's alright I guess. I've got to be careful. The Joker has two new baddies out to get me and the true identity of Batman." I look out the window.
"I know, talk about being under pressure!"
Luke looks at me. "Do you really know who's under that mask?"
I glance at Luke for a moment. "I can't say anything on that matter."
"You do know!" Luke gasps. I shake my head and start to panic.
"If I did, I wouldn't tell you. It's not my say!" I sit back in my chair.
Luke laughed and sips his coffee, his eyes staring into mine. "I wouldn't pressure you into it." Luke gaze suddenly turns towards the door and he smiles.
"Vicky!" My face turns white and my stomach drops as I hear her voice.
"Luke!" She walks over and grabs a chair and sits at our table.
"Hey it's good to see you again!" Vicky says smiling.
"You too." I play my sweet smile.
"So how's everything, I heard that you hang out with Bruce Wayne? What's he like?" Vicky asks leaning closer.
I glance at Luke, "I'm going to the washroom. I'll be back in a moment." Luke then leaves me and Vicky alone. I'm totally going to kill him. Or her.
"Alright listen." Vicky suddenly says in a low growl.
"I know your Blue Jay, because I'm Grey Jay. No matter how hard you try and find me, you won't. Luke has no idea, and he won't." I sit there confused as she starts to threaten me. "I will squeeze the identity of Batman out of you if I have too. I will do everything in my power, no matter the cost." Vicky then sits up straight and smiles once she sees Luke is coming back.
"It was nice to talk to you Chrissy, but I must be going." Vicky says as Luke sits down. Everything is moving fast, I have to talk to Bruce.
"Yeah s-so do I-I. I've got... work to d-do with B-Bruce." I stuffer through the sentence as I stand up.
"Oh, well it was good to talk again." Luke says standing up as well. He kisses me on the cheek as I walk out with Vicky. She turns to be and her face speaks evil.
"No matter the cost." She then walks away and I blink and start breathing hard.

"BRUCE!" I yell as I enter the manor. Tears start streaming down my face as I run to the Bat Cave. I make it to the cold damp cave to find Bruce standing over a table with papers, leaning on his cane, deep in thought.
"Bruce." I say as I run into his arms. He coiled in pain as I ease away from him.
"What's wrong?" Bruce whips away my tears in a movement of his hand.
I stare into his eyes as I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. "It's Grey Jay. I know who she is."

Batman:The Bird's Nest (Book 2) {#WATTYS2018} (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now