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I bite my nails as I pace the halls of the manor.
"Any word from Bruce?" I ask Alfred, as he holds a cloth with a plate of champagne.
"Not yet Miss James. He'll come soon." Alfred says walking to the ballroom. I groan and look out the window as the night sky is clear and gleaming with stars. I look at all the guests coming into the manor and cruse under my breathe at Bruce. He's late, again! I turn around and fix my long red dress as I walk down the hall. The dress is a blood red with specks of gold stitched into it. My hair is let loose down and curled to perfection.
"He's here Miss James." Alfred calls as I run to the library, play the few notes on the small piano, and take the elevator down to the Batcave.

"About time you got back!" I yell walking to Bruce as he frantically tries to take his black heavy armour off.
"I know I'm sorry." Bruce says as I help him take off his armour.
"Your suits on the chair. I'll be upstairs waiting for you." I say running back to the elevator. I make it to the entrance of the ballroom and an arm goes around my shoulders.
"I'm here." Bruce says breathless. I smile and we walk out onto the floor together as people clap and smile at us.
"Everyone-" Bruce says getting two champagne classes, handing me one and keeping the other for himself. "I'd like to thank you all for coming!" His voice booms as the whispers grow soft. "Some of you may be wondering why your here, well-" Bruce looks at me and smiles. "My dear Chrissy James and I, got engaged." The room suddenly turns quite to, a laughing feast of smiles and congrats.
"A toast to the lovely couple!" An older man yells as we all hold up our champagne classes.

I take my hair down as the window blows through me sending chills all over my body. I smell the sweet air and sigh as the night is cold and rainy. I took a break from Blue Jay after the death of Luke, six months have gone in a flash. Almost every night I hear his voice in my dreams and smile, knowing he's in a better place watching over me.  Also surprisingly, the citizens of Gotham actually accepted me as being a protector. I told my through behind me working for the Joker and the people in Gotham took it light heartedly. So Bruce's reputation is safe. Speaking of Bruce. We got engaged a few weeks ago. It was odd how he did it. I was walking around the manor and I went to the garden one morning and Bruce came with me.

"What do you think of the last name Wayne?" Bruce asks as I stop watering the rose bush.
"It's fine if your first name is Bruce." I say smiling at him.
"What if the first name was Chrissy?" I stay silent as I gaze at Bruce.
"Are you proposing to me?"
"Yes." Bruce's smile turns wide.
"Wait-" Bruce pulls a black velvet box out of his coat pocket and gets down on one knee. I start to giggle while Bruce stumbled on his words.

To cut the story short, I said yes.

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask taking my mask off as I enter the Batcave. We did an early run so we planned a date night.
"The restaurant down town." Bruce says taking off the Bat belt.

"My wife?" Bruce asks as the waiter said I had ordered his food when he left to the washroom.
"Yes sir. Is that a problem?" The waiter asks as I bite my lip trying not to laugh.
"No. Thank you." The waiter is dismissed.
"I like saying wife." I say smiling as Bruce nods.
"And husband." He adds. "How are your dreams?"
"As usual. The voice." I told him sipping my wine. "I'm doing what he wanted me to do."
"What's that?" Bruce asks looking in my eyes.
"Marrying you." I say smiling softly.
"That is a good thing to do." Bruce says smiling. I giggle and we share a kiss.

"The nights are slow these days." I say sitting down on the edge of the building. Batman stands next to me looking out over the city.
"That's how this city works. There's no more Joker, no more fear." His voice sends chills down my spine.
"I'm not complaining." I say smiling to myself.
"The city is safe. Maybe we should take a break from this whole thing." Batman says as I look up at him.
"I agree. A good vacation somewhere warm." I look up as the cold air runs with cold rain.
"But I'm happy here too." I say standing up leaning against Batman.
"As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."
"I love you Chrissy James."
"We should change it to Chrissy Wayne soon." I smirk as he smirks back.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

Batman:The Bird's Nest (Book 2) {#WATTYS2018} (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now