Truth Be Told

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The crowd gasps and stumble away from me. Honestly I hoped they wouldn't believe him, but considering how horrible I was with the older women in the room. I can understand now.
"SHES THE ONE TO FEAR!" The Joker yells as people scream. I flinch as Bruce pulls away from Grey Jay and holds my shoulder.
"SHES THE KILLER! SHES KILLED!" The Joker is going crazy as people run away from me and Bruce. Rushing to the exit, people yell horrible names to me and shout killer. Tear stream down my face as the banquet hall is empty.
"Are you happy now?" I ask shaking in my heels.
"I'm never satisfied my dear." The Joker says coming closer to me.
"I want Batman, to show his face. If not," he licks his lips, "I will finish the job that I failed when you failed yours." Swiftly on pushed to the ground as fire starts to roar as the mysterious man, Grey Jay and the Joker all escape.

I coughed as the fire grew bigger. Bruce held onto me as we slowly moved past the flames outside. I fall to the ground coughing as people ask Bruce questions and drag him away from me because I'm Blue Jay. I stand up but fall again as the smell of smoke and darkness controls my mind.

"Easy statement." Bruce says fixing my hair for me.
"I don't even know what to say." I say bitting my lip.
"It's your decision. Tell the truth or say it's false. I want you to make the decision." Bruce holds my shoulder.

I can lie. Sometimes lies are the best things so you can't hurt anyone. If I told the lie, then I won't hurt Bruce's reputation, and even my own! I could hurt the people around me.

I sigh as Bruce kisses me. "Good luck." He says as I turn around to walk out to the press. "Chrissy." Bruce yells and I look at him.
"I love you."
"I know." I say smirking and walk out onto the stage.

Cameras click and flash with news people standing near by with live feed of this conference. I walk out and everyone goes silent, I stand at the stand and turn and see Commissioner Gordon standing on the side of the stage. My head spins as I look out into the big crowd.

"Last night at an important gathering at Gotham's hotel, the Joker broke in and ruined the gathering." I clear my throat, "The Joker has had nonetheless ruined a lot of things for the people of Gotham. But I'm here to talk about his words towards me, and to clear things on what The Joker had said." I look to my left and see Luke with Vicky standing next to him. Vicky smirks and Luke smiles softly. Somewhat father back I see Alice watching me carefully. I see movement to my right and see Bruce standing there, on the side blending in with the people. Bruce nods his head and I sigh.

"I am Blue Jay."

Everyone stands up and rushes to the stage to get more information from me, lights flash and everyone is talking. I simply turn around and walk out of the conference room.

"Do you think I made the right decision?" I ask Bruce as soon as I see him.
"Depends." Bruce says softly. I frown and see Vicky, Luke, and Alice all walk towards us. I rush and give Alice a hug and she holds me tight. I turn and smile at Luke but completely ignored Vicky.
"Chrissy why did you do that?" Luke asks growing worried.
"I had too. For everyone's sake." I hear footsteps behind me and see Gordon walking towards us.
"We got the crowd to quiet down and leave now."
"Thank you." I whisper giving him a weak smile. I glance at Gordon then nod my head towards Vicky.

"Uh... Are you Miss Vicky Woodly?" The commissioner asks.
Vicky looks confused but I grow inpatient. "Yes officer is there a problem?"
"Yes, we need to put you under arrest under the idea that you work for the Joker." Gordon pulls handcuffs out of his pocket and put them around her wrists as she looks shocked.
"Oh don't look like that! You know exactly why!" I snap as Gordon leads her away.
"What was that about?" Alice asks as Luke stands with his mouth open.
"She's Grey Jay. She had exactly what we need about the Joker." I put my hands in my pockets as I watch her be put into a police car.
"What's going to happen to her?" Luke asks, worry lacing his voice.
"She'll have to answer some questions." Bruce says.

"So let me get this straight." I run my hand across my cheek. "You work for the Joker because..."
"Because it's fun. Didn't you think it was fun?" Vicky asks smirking. I sigh as Gordon leans back in his chair. Vicky stays still attached to the table handcuffed in a quiet room with a mirror. Bruce stands on the other side as me and Gordon ask her questions.
"No. I questioned things everyday!" I slam my hands down on the table.
"Let's take a break Chrissy." Gordon says as I nod. Spending 5 hours asking the same questions and getting nothing is hard. I walk out the door and lean against the wall.
"We should go home." Bruce says, I shake my head.
"I need answers."
"You need sleep." Gordon chimes in. "Go home Chrissy, my men will lock her up for tonight and we'll do it again tomorrow." Gordon then pats me on the back and starts talking to one of the officers.

"Let's get you home." Bruce says as he leads me out of the Gotham police station.

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