For some it was a garden of bountifully mesmerizing
roses; while some could only indefatigably witness the
acrimoniously pugnacious thorns,For some it was a surreally rhapsodic cloud showering
perennial enchantment; while some could only
relentlessly feel penalized by the shades of
gruesomely pulverizing black,For some it was a forest of panoramically evergreen
vivaciousness; while some could only fretfully rebuke
the enigmatically inexplicable travails and trails,For some it was an ocean of unsurpassably unassailable
happiness; while some could only unrelentingly blame
the maliciously lambasting maelstrom of pernicious
waves,For some it was an unflinching fortress of timelessly
blissful solidarity; while some could only implacably
feel the disparagingly deteriorating abrasions with
the inevitably unstoppable unfurling of time,For some it was a tantalizingly celestial nightingale;
while some could only dogmatically the curse the
inconspicuous pinches of harmlessly holistic
adulteration in the air,For some it was a meadow of eternally priceless peace;
while some could only incorrigibly experience the
frigid chunks of obnoxiously threadbare dirt,For some it was a fireball of insuperably untamed
passion; while some could only intractably feel outlandishly intimidated by the wisps of hideously black smoke; that disastrously obfuscated their vision,For some it was an ebulliently fathomless book of
unendingly euphoric adventure; while some could only
tirelessly feel asphyxiated by the sheer and
inexplicably unfurling volume,For some it was a bountifully persevering ladder to
eternal success; while some could only intransigently
castigate the unfathomable array of steep stairs,For some it was an unbelievable rainbow of heavenly
versatility; while some could only ruthlessly feel the
incomprehensibly endless festoon of harsh shades,For some it was an Omnipotent Sun of invincibly
righteous hope; while some could only acrimoniously
feel the boundlessly austere rays left; right and spurious center,
For some it was a iridescently twinkling star of unprecedented optimism; while some could only remorsefully feel the infinitesimally uncanny flicker; inflamingly imperil their sanctimonious existence,For some it was an immortally patriotic march towards
glorious martyrdom; while some could only grievingly
feel the blood soaked sacrifices in the triumphant
odyssey in between,For some it was an unshakably sacrosanct mother who
timelessly proliferate God's Omnipresent chapter of
survival; while some could only preposterously feel
the savage waves of bedlam labour pain; in between,For some it was the most blessed icing on even the
most diminutive little thing that they had achieved;
while some could only relentlessly shiver to the winds
of rejuvenating coolness,O! Yes; For some it was an indomitably victorious
inferno of passionately loving heartbeats; while some
could only limitlessly grouse the reverberating sound;
ignominiously admonishing it for bringing cacophony in
their dwindling stride,Because although the Omniscient Creator had bestowed
it in the most holistically unconquerable of forms
upon every organism symbiotically alike; Life's the
way you chose it to be; Life's the way you make of it;
Life's the way you believe it to be; Life's the way
you see it.
If you cut a tree; you cut your own mother - Poems on Environment , Wildlife
PoetryThis compilation of natural poems is a tribute to infinite elements of Mother Nature in its most glorious form. Each poetic stanza brings out the eternal beauty of the 'Natural Habitat' and proves time and again, that wildlife and nature are the two...