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Every bit of frigidly decaying feces; forever metamorphosed into
optimistically lush green meadows of perennially redolent; grass,

Every bit of hedonistically murderous lie; forever metamorphosed into the ultimate summit of gloriously unflinching and pristinely unparalleled;

Every bit of egregiously vindictive darkness; forever metamorphosed into cisterns of magically mitigating and endlessly blazing; golden light,

Every bit of deliriously raunchy sadism; forever metamorphosed into the fabric of celestially ameliorating and timeless priceless; selflessness,

Every bit of maliciously stabbing corruption; forever metamorphosed into a paradise of benevolently ever-pervading and timelessly unconquerable; honesty,

Every bit of bizarrely maiming poverty; forever metamorphosed into a sky of eternally resplendent and blissfully burgeoning; humanitarian richness,

Every bit of treacherously penalizing abhorrence; forever metamorphosed into a cistern of everlastingly radiant and effulgently compassionate; unity,

Every bit of sanctimoniously snobbish spuriousness; forever metamorphosed into a wind of beautifully egalitarian and wonderfully mollifying; humility,

Every bit of cynically ignominious bitterness; forever metamorphosed into a stream of unceasingly proliferating and majestically blessing; melody,

Every bit of venomously prejudiced war; forever metamorphosed into a heaven of inimitably priceless and triumphantly venerated; symbiotic harmony,

Every bit of unceremoniously flagrant atrocity; forever metamorphosed into a fireball of inexhaustibly vibrant and unimaginably emollient; compassion,

Every bit of inexplicably deteriorating sadness; forever metamorphosed into a garland of ardently unbreakable and victoriously ecstatic; felicity,

Every bit of disgustingly deplorable racialism; forever metamorphosed into a field of unassailably Omnipotent and royally unalterable; oneness,

Every bit of deplorably shriveled weakness; forever metamorphosed into a mountain of intrepidly fortified and synergistically mellifluous; strength,

Every bit of cadaverously morbid ghost; forever metamorphosed into the chapters of beautifully uninterrupted and vividly euphoric; existence,

Every bit of hopelessly shattered faith; forever metamorphosed into an apostle of perpetually Omniscient and miraculous blessing; peace,

Every bit of dreadfully cancerous disease; forever metamorphosed into the elixir of sensuously charismatic and tirelessly virile; life,

Every bit of diabolically fretful indolence; forever metamorphosed into a waterfall of ebulliently enthralling and adventurously poetic; freshness,

Every bit of traumatically ghoulish night; forever metamorphosed into a
valley of altruistically benign and insuperably godly; Sunshine,

Every bit of disparagingly delinquent boredom; forever metamorphosed into a forest of inscrutably mesmerizing and fearless unfettered; adventure,

Every bit of profanely criminal imprisonment; forever metamorphosed into the leaves of ubiquitously uplifting and bountifully charming; freedom,

Every bit of insanely victimizing mania; forever metamorphosed into a cradle of impeccably boundless and exotically unmatched; fantasy,

Every bit of baselessly debauch chicanery; forever metamorphosed into a smile of innocently unconquerable and spell bindingly holistic; childhood,

Every bit of mundanely decrepit manipulation; forever metamorphosed into a pathway of passionately fertile and infallibly princely; righteousness,

Every bit of lividly worthless betrayal; forever metamorphosed into a hive of Immortally blessing and Omnipresently coalescing; love,

Every bit of wretchedly anguished death; forever metamorphosed into a cloudburst of unceasingly resuscitating and jubilantly euphoric; breath,

With just a singleton beam of brilliantly uninterrupted golden; with just a singleton spark of undefeatable golden; with just a singleton wand of magical golden winking from the heavens; with just a singleton ray of free and blessed Sunshine from the Omnipresent sky

If you cut a tree; you cut your own mother - Poems on Environment , WildlifeWhere stories live. Discover now