You unsparingly spat leftovers of your food on its innocent body—yet
the same tree granted you the most tranquil contentment under its
branches; as the afternoon glare fiercely torched even the last bone
of your creaking spine,You ruthlessly plucked a plentiful of its leaf without any reason or
rhyme—yet the same tree enamored you with boundless an untold story;
as you slumped your entire weight in tiredness; across its majestic
trunk,You barbarously scratched it to express frustration for your penurious
life— yet the same tree healed even the most inexplicably bleeding
of your wounds; as you perched in its magical shadow which radiated
immortal love,You inhumanely dug a countless nails into its body to hang your
belongings— yet the same tree stood like an infallible fortress
between you and the storm; perpetuating nothing but rejuvenating
friendship into every pore of your frigidly shivering skin,You insidiously drilled a hole through it to keep sight of your
enemy—- yet the same tree transformed each of its tears into
blessings just for you; to give you new direction and fortitude to
righteously pursue chapters of a truthful life,You venomously reduced it into a practice punching bag as you pummeled
its form with your daily morning kicks and blows— yet the same tree
imparted supreme enlightenment to your waveringly beleaguered vision;
with its entrenchment of vivacious green,You insanely emptied all brutal lead in your gun into its unflinching
body as it served as the best target range—- yet the same tree
provided royal shelter in its top branches to your trembling form; as
you hurriedly scampered up to escape the satanic wolves,You cannibalistically slit its throat an umpteen times to crackle up
your night with that quintessential firewood—yet the same tree
welcomed you with the most everlasting embrace of its swishing arms
and leaf; as every of your beguilingly merciless kin had deserted you
to die of solitude,You vindictively defecated; vomited; urinated at its stem; to show you
give a damn—yet the same tree blessed and showered you with a festoon
of feathers; leaves; raindrops and goodness; with every single draught
of gusty wind; and made you feel like an ultimate prince,You diabolically whipped it with your waist-belt and walking stick to
release the volcanic energy of your numb shoulder and palm—yet the
same tree befriended you with kisses of love; as you clung to it like
a child when the devastating earthquake struck,You hurled on it every abuse you'd learnt in the process of your life
as you knew it hadn't the power to retaliate—yet the same tree gave
you the ultimate pillow to sleep on every night in its compassionately
protruding roots; when the hole in your tattered pockets grew larger
by the minute,You indiscriminately butchered its body many a time to get rid of
unkempt weeds that loitered your spurious courtyard—yet the same
tree blossomed once again in due course of time taking its strength
from mother earth; only to bless you with that everlasting shade; cool
and mid-summer siesta,You ominously inscribed many an enthusing shape on its body with your
knife only to woo your girlfriend to profess—yet the same tree saw
to it that your friendship immortalized into the truest of love;
courtesy its now gruesomely bleeding countenance split into livid
rags,You tyrannically subjected it to all kinds of electricity; just to
assert how ingeniously you'd proved that it too had life—yet the
same tree gave you a roof for your house when it'd blown away;
chivalrously gave you its fruit to eat when your bowels were on the
verge of spewing famished blood,You belligerently stripped it of all its flower every morning to
empower your flower shop with its lifeless roots and scent—yet the
same tree gave you that much missing whistle in your monotonous
existence; tantalizing you to fantasize about all goodness on this
fathomless planet,You sadistically burnt every bit of its charm on the spurious pretext
that ghosts were stuck to it—yet the same tree once again evolved
into a kingly assortment of flowers; leaves and silken branch; to
comfort you in your bizarre sadness and prove that it was nothing but
nature's ultimate gift to all mankind,You greedily snatched its newborn tendrils each day to farcically
brush the already shines whites of your teeth— yet the same tree
bore the brunt of every heinous sword; stone and bomb on its naked
body; singlehandedly wading off the fanatic mob; invincibly guarding
you as you snored,You unthinkably let countless of it felled down to read your books on
lavish paper instead of switching over to e-books— yet the same tree
continued to enlighten your nostrils with its scent of a united earth;
as you fancily flipped through your novel pages extracted from its
pristine bark,And even as you were about to criminally extricate it from its very
roots to make way for your new dwelling—-the tree only asked you to
fulfill its final wish—that was to plant it at some place else;
where it'd once again catch root by the grace of God – continue to
bless you with unsurpassable cisterns of luck; happiness; contentment;
fantasy; shade and charm as it blossomed up towards blue sky,So are you ready to forgive it as it had also forgiven you a countless
times; Are you ready to fulfill the Tree's one last wish ?
If you cut a tree; you cut your own mother - Poems on Environment , Wildlife
PoetryThis compilation of natural poems is a tribute to infinite elements of Mother Nature in its most glorious form. Each poetic stanza brings out the eternal beauty of the 'Natural Habitat' and proves time and again, that wildlife and nature are the two...