Whether you pulverize an invisibly infinitesimal worm;
or whether you torch a vibrantly euphoric commoner;
brutally alive,Whether you squelch a diminutively pertinent mosquito;
or whether you massacre a patriotic soldiers scalp;
for sleazily placating the diabolical politician's
palette,Whether you pluck an inconspicuous lotus petal; or
whether you barbarously run your obnoxiously
cold-blooded vehicle over the haplessly wailing beggar
boy,Whether you squat at a parsimoniously irascible
cockroach; or whether you ruthlessly asphyxiate the
neck of the police officer; simply in order to save
your very own existence,Believe it or not; in either case you commit the most
salaciously derogatory of crime; as whatever might
have been their size; shape; color; fraternity or
form; but for the Omnipotent Lord they were both
alike; as they both had exuberant life.....1.
Whether you dig mercurially chocolate brown mud to
erect your palaces of tawdry filth; or whether you
parasitically suck even the last iota of blood from
the poor man's skin; to raunchily enlighten your
non-existent facial contours,Whether you smash fugitively new born eggs with your
criminal sword; or whether you treacherously extricate
the kidneys of a helpless man; just in order to
fortify the body of your already robust pet dog,Whether you step over an petulantly infantile ant
while pompously transgressing towards your dogmatic
office; or whether you truculently strip flesh of
staggeringly destitute woman; to invidiously warm your
every winter night,Whether you kill the diminishingly small newborn
spider to placate the impudent itch in your bohemian
palms; or whether you viciously stab the withering old
man to death; just in order to devour every single
iota of his hard earned wealth,Believe it or not; in either case you commit the most
remorsefully dastardly of crime; as whatever might
have been their size; shape; color; fraternity or
form; but for the Omnipresent Lord they were both
alike; as they both had vivacious life...2.
Whether you insanely excoriate an obsoletely minuscule
seed to fulminate into sanctimoniously depraving
laughter; or whether you hedonistically snap the fangs
of the eclectic artist forever; so that there remained
nothing but abominable bloodshed on the trajectory of
this fathomless Universe,Whether you hack a timid tadpole to the most
ruthlessly ribald death thereby releasing your
libidinous frustration; or whether you slit the veins
of the innocent prisoner; to maliciously corroborate
your idiosyncratic supremacy to the world outside,Whether you ominously emaciate the newborn calf to
torturous death just to tease its sacrosanct mother;
or whether you insidiously crucify every element of
the gentle giant; in order to become the most powerful
organism on this colossal earth,Whether you savagely roast the enchantingly
proliferating larvae to tantalize your taste buds for
morning breakfast; or whether you licentiously drill
the skull of the spell binding scientist; with
tumultuously torching embers of horrifically rusted iron,Believe it or not; in either case you commit the most
preposterously indescribable of crime; as whatever
might have been their size; shape; color; fraternity
or form; but for the Omniscient Lord they were both
alike; as they both had majestic life...3.
Whether you aim for the evanescent sparrow's eye just
in order to diffuse criminal blackness wherever you
went; or whether you deleteriously devoured the
unsuspecting denizens neck in a single gulp; to gorily
replenish your belly for the blazing afternoon,Whether you poked indefatigably at the harmlessly tiny
crab just to make wholeheartedly decrepit merry with
your sick mates; or whether you tyrannically tonsured
every iota of flesh from the bereaved widow's body; to
hold a sordidly macabre exhibition of shriveled skin,Whether you crushed an unbelievably insignificant
beetle under your fetidly marauding feet; or whether
you murdered the irrefutably truthful messiah of
humanity; so that manipulation was the only leech that
burgeoned till times immemorial,Whether you chopped a minutely petite snail into a
billion pieces just to profusely reinvigorate the
edges of your stagnating kitchen cleaver; or whether
you lasciviously snatched air from the lungs of
immaculate school children; to baselessly immortalize
yourself in front of the Lord Almighty,Believe it or not; in either case you commit the most
ghoulishly dilapidated of crime; as whatever might
have been their size; shape; color; fraternity or
form; but for the insuperable Lord they were both
alike; as they both had fantastic life.
If you cut a tree; you cut your own mother - Poems on Environment , Wildlife
PoetryThis compilation of natural poems is a tribute to infinite elements of Mother Nature in its most glorious form. Each poetic stanza brings out the eternal beauty of the 'Natural Habitat' and proves time and again, that wildlife and nature are the two...