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The waves emanating from it were astronomically spell
binding; tranquilly pacifying even the most
diabolically traumatized; with the spirit of
Omnipotent humanity,

The colors diffusing from it were vivaciously
resplendent; gregariously embellishing even the most
brutally impoverished of entities; with the magic of
eternally compassionate timelessness,

The tunes wafting from it were enchantingly
mesmerizing; blissfully placating even the most
inexplicable of miseries of truculently bereaved human kind,

The rays wafting from it were Omnipotently uniting;
celestially melanging all religion and tribe; into the
invincible fortress of pricelessly symbiotic sharing,

The winds disseminating from it were bountifully
benevolent; philanthropically endowing the sacred
essence of existence to every dwelling; that they
triumphantly gushed into,

The droplets cascading from it were Omnisciently
healing; regally soothing even the most tyrannically
macabre of pain; with townships of enthrallingly
beautiful symmetry,

The reflections exuding from it were majestically
ubiquitous; in which every organism alive; could
innocuously perceive the essence of its harmoniously
synergistic survival,

The mists floating from it were triumphantly
tantalizing; marvelously engendering a cradle of
silken paradise; even in the hearts of the most
salaciously monotonous and devilish murderers,

The leaves whistling from it were aristocratically
gregarious; royally bringing even the most
fathomlessly distant and prejudiced quarters of the
earth; to collectively replenish themselves with the
fruits of heavenly fructifying nature,

The shadows flowing from it were immaculately ingratiating; irrefutably cleansing the heinously despicable soul with the rhythm of unconquerable righteousness,

The beats pulsating from it were perpetually vibrant;
handsomely revolving the threads of the entire
civilization; with levers of magnetically sparkling
and unparalleled truth,

The rivers tumbling from it were perennially rhapsodic; transcending past the spuriously parsimonious entrenchments of abhorrent manipulation; to spawn a valley of unsurpassably impregnable sensuousness,

The melody gallivanting from it was magnificently
iridescent; victoriously towering over even the most
insipidly mercurial iota of gruesome badness; with its
profoundly unassailable sweetness,

The empathy fulminating from it was stupendously
unshakable; forming bonds of ubiquitously serene
companionship; between the disastrously penurious and
powerhouses of ostentatious wealth; alike,

The charisma unveiling from it was incomprehensibly
fantastic; casting its spell of exhilaratingly
ebullient fantasy; upon all those with an immaculately
affable heart,

The numerals pouring from it were spotlessly
undefeatable; irrevocably portraying the flag of
blazing victory; at even the most minuscule turn that
the earth took and enchantingly radiated into,

The breath dispersing from it was undeterrably
unflinching; instilling boundless caverns of life and
luck into the lives of even those; morbidly
disintegrated and countless feet beneath their graves,

The love circulating from it was immortally
inimitable; Omnipresently deluging the life of every
deplorably devastated entity; with universally
sparkling and poignant togetherness,

It needed no pretentions; caste; creed; wealth or
power to purchase; it needed no specific township to
occupy; as it was ready to divinely assimilate into
every heart harmoniously willing to accept it; be the
timeless jewel of every immaculate eye; such was the
everlastingly princely SKY OF PIOUS PEACE.

If you cut a tree; you cut your own mother - Poems on Environment , WildlifeWhere stories live. Discover now